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Have You Read The Entire Bible

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nailit | 18:41 Thu 24th Jan 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
96 Answers
I really am just curious here. Not wanting to be a debate or anything.
But how many people here, (professing Christian or atheist...or somewhere in between) have actually read the Bible, in its entirety?
Ive met very few people (Christian or atheist) Who have.
Makes me wonder how people can debate something that they have never read?

Ive read *some* of the Hindu Vedas but would never claim to be an authority of Hinduism based solely on a partial reading of their scriptures.

Just curious. Thanks



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nailit, I really do not understand your OP. It appears that you are trying to run a survey, no less.

It reminds me of the hymn "When I survey the wondrous cross".

But in answer to your Q - No, not today, I have been busy turning out my kitchen cupboards. Will try to do it tomorrow.
Read it from cover to cover. Not a bad yarn but i much prefer Stephen King for my fantasy novels.
Well, I was brought up as a Catholic, and went to a Catholic school, so we did get to read large chunks of it in the compulsory R.E. classes from age 4 to 18, although I can't profess to having read ALL of it.
I seem to remember that as teenagers, we found the Songs of Solomon quite interesting! :-D ;-)

Despite having since become an atheist, I don't regret having studied the bible. It has contributed to a huge part of world history, after all, and no knowledge or insight is ever wasted.

From memory, the Old Testament is quite fire and brimstone, but there are some gentle and tender parts, (viz. Songs of Solomon again!), and the teachings of Jesus are, for the most part, about being benevolent to others, which is no bad thing.

As always, it's how these things get twisted for nefarious purposes that causes the problems.

IMO, as works of literature, the books of the bible have a real place.
Is the Bible really meant to be read cover-to-cover?

Anyway, I have not, although I've glanced at more than a few sections.
//1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.//

Jim, was that the part that sparked your interest in a career in physics?
You have read it cover to cover, but I doubt if you ever understood any of it.
Read the end times prophecies concerning Israel, and then watch the news. Look on the Internet for today's news from Israel.
Funnily enough it was not, mibn :P
Mibs - What do you think? End time prophecy and the news? Coincidence?
End times....haaaaaa. Gotta be right. Sooner or later. How many predictions is this you’ve made, Theland. Must be almost into double figures.
Six times since Sept 2015. Keep going, old son. One day you’ll be right.
Mibs - What do you think? End time prophecy and the news? Coincidence? 22:00 Fri 25th Jan 2019

My position with regards to prophecy remains that it would be difficult to impossible to distinguish between prediction and wish fulfillment. Either way I would not care to be found a contributor to the cause.
Well one thing is clear, the author of this thread claims to have read the Bible cover to cover, but quite obviously doesn't have a clue about the meaning of what he has read.
Totally boring and repetitive.
So, Nailit, are you telling us you are an expert on the entire Bible?
Theland, //the author of this thread claims to have read the Bible cover to cover, but quite obviously doesn't have a clue about the meaning of what he has read. //

Do you have a clue about the meaning of the bits you haven't read? Can you be sure there's nothing there that contradicts the understanding you've gained from your limited studies?
Yes both the Old and the New testaments. Also. Read the Koran, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smiths golden finds etc. Conclusion, man makes his own beliefs, sometimes based upon nothing more than political expediency.
In a small tree-lined square outside my small hotel, (in which D.H.Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway and many more famous people had once stayed) in Taos, New Mexico. I participated in a non-stop marathon Bible reading which was a moving and exhilarating experience. You read for as long as you wished and then passed on the Bible to someone else to carry on, it continued day and night until it was finished, unforgettable!

I have never read it cover to cover like that, but I've probably read most of it in stages and I've even illustrated many, (51) of its old testament stories.
Like most men I usually take some reading matter when using the loo. Once on holiday there was nothing to read, so, got the Gideons Bible out of the hotel drawer and took that in. That is the only time I ever looked at a bible. Cannot remember which bit I glanced at.
Rock n Roll, Khandro.

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