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mibn2cweus | 17:50 Fri 26th Jul 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
84 Answers
Perhaps R&S should be retitled the "Youtube" topic? -



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All of the available evidence for God is there for us all. Some are convinced, others not, like being in a jury room with a hung jury.
Neither side should belittle the other by questioning their honesty in assessing the evidence.
If God created the world would he have populated it with robots incapable of choice? To love God or not?
But He gave Man choice and the wrong choice was made.
Result, a fallen world of sin, pain and death, toothache and dead cats.
To say, "We don't know because I don't know," is somewhat presumptuous and arrogant don't you think?
This guy answers many of the questions and objections so frequently raised on here.
I watched 50 minutes, and have to return for the finale.
//To say, "We don't know because I don't know," is somewhat presumptuous and arrogant don't you think?//

Possibly, Theland. But to say we do know might be construed the same way, too, mightn't it?

PS: how's your health?

V - Quite. Health ? Not good. Breathing bad and shingles far from over. Like hot worms crawling under my skin. Thanks for asking.
Thelsnd, “we don’t know because I don’t know”. Who said that?

I’ll rephrase it for you. You don’t know because no one knows.
And the evidence is all against a universe from nothing and evolution.
So on the balance of probability an Intelligent Designer is far more likely.
Nonsense.... and even more bizarre is your claim to know what and who that imaginary designer is. Impossible.
Watch the video. Assess the evidence.
I’ve assessed the evidence. It fails.
No you haven't. Watch the video. Open your mind for once.
There can be few creatures that create more suffering than cats, ask parent birds.
Theland. How arrogant you are. Where’s your open mind?
My mind is completely open to all arguments.
Your sole argument was to say, "it fails."
No I am not arrogant, I wait for evidence of the things you refute.
Theland, You consistently ignore all arguments that contradict your fantasy. You cannot possibly ‘know’ what was responsible for the creation of the universe. It’s that simple.
Well v_e, assuming for the sake of discussion a diety exists, as otherwise it's pointless discussing it's benevolence or otherwise; it would create a universe that can run itself, as otherwise we'd see loads of tweaks occurring as they fiddled with stuff to get a better result. A deity is therefore constrained by that self imposed limit, regarding what can be done. It would create the best (most benevolent ?) system possible within that constraint. This means any creature needs an incetive for, as an example, not running on a broken leg, or taking rest and recuperation when ill. Thus pain. Since being recoverably ill and fatally ill are not going to be distinguishable to the body, pain is inevitability involved in some deaths. Thus it must exist whether the diety is benevolent or not.

As for a period being shorter than "life everlasting", a truism surely.
Naomi - I do not ignore arguments. The problem is you haven't put an a argument forward!
Your assertions without evidence are not arguments.

OG - Very thoughtful. Thank you.
The fulfillment of Bible prophecies regarding Israel is powerful evidence of the truth of the Bible to those with open minds.
//I do not ignore arguments//

//The fulfillment of Bible prophecies regarding Israel is powerful evidence of the truth of the Bible//

You have been presented with many FAILED bible prophecies and ignored those tho.
In your thread below this one you quoted Ezekiel 38 as a prophecy of end (modern) times. It was pointed out to you that Ezekiel's earlier prophecy about Tyre failed to happen. Your response?
//Thank you. Off to bed soon// That was 10 days ago and you have failed to respond, so yes, you DO ignore arguments.

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