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Is Religion A Necessary Evil?

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mibn2cweus | 05:27 Wed 07th Aug 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
78 Answers
Some of us here know Theland (amongst others) is wrong regarding his (their) beliefs that the alleged Christian God is creator of the world and savior of humanity. But isn't it important for us to understand where and why they believe these things as it is for us to realise the costs imposed upon humanity by those who harbour such beliefs and act accordingly? Isn't it better for us all in the long run to acknowledge and challenge what they are attempting to pass off as reality than to simply ignore them in the hopes that in turn they'll do likewise?

Perhaps there are important lessons to be learned by all from those who have succumbed to religion. Evil does not acquiesce to our reluctance to acknowledge it.


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It seems that the tribes man had two questions.
Should've stuck to one.
Ah mibn, someone misunderstanding God's words regarding evil doesn't mean God didn't create us, flawed and all.
//Is Religion A Necessary Evil?//

NO, its just evil, not necessary.
By no means am I a religious zealot but I look back on my childhood/teen years as very happy ones going to Sunday school and church, it taught me values like never lying and to do unto others as they do unto you, of treating people the way I like being treat etc, of youth clubs and family trips to the coast, I wouldn't change my Methodist upbringing for anything at all although I've broken a lot of the teachings such as alcohol , but that doesn't make me a bad person
//it taught me values like never lying and to do unto others as they do unto you, of treating people the way I like being treat etc, of youth clubs and family trips to the coast//

Those arnt religious values tho Bobbi. Those are human values that are shared by most humans of all faiths and those of no faith.
No one need a faith to enjoy a trip to the coast or to be told that its not good to lie.
Do believers think that non believers routinely lie or treat people differently from how they themselves wish to be treated or don't enjoy family trips to the coast?
Yes I understand what you're saying Nailit but I associate very happy times with my time spent there
And I don't look down on none believers because that's their prerogative
What religious evil have you experienced Nailit?
Personally most if not all religions are man made and therefore following Christ purely is not evil, although you seem bigoted.
Religion is a constant battle and justification, that in itself is sinister
Mibs - I always thought the bible was a load of cobblers until I looked into it and the prophecies, amazingly accurate convinced me that it had a supernatural inspiration. Therefore, God answers my questions, and my faith is founded on fact.
Science on the other hand requires lots of faith to believe in their account of the big questions.
//although you seem bigoted//
You know Theland, one of these days (before xmas) Im going to get the train up to Liverpool, we are going to meet up over a pint, and get pi $$ed together and slap each other on the back as we part our separate ways and both realise that we are the same. The only thing that seperates us is a few old scriptures written by men in dusty caves.
//What religious evil have you experienced Nailit?//
Whatever I say, you will dismiss as not been of real Christians.
Religion is sinister factsssss
We are part of the eternal damnation squad
Spath - surely we are all searching for truth? At least I am. And if the scientists claim to be able to tell me the answers to the big questions, then I want to know.
How about you SPATH?
I think you’ll be looking a while... i know the answer isn’t on youtube.

I personally an here to observe, experience and chip me tuppence in now and again. Love a slotty. Que cera, cera.
Theland, is religion sinister?
Can be. RC is very controlling as an example.
Obviously sinister people pop up everywhere in life.
Question Author
Faith, in God or 'science', does not meet my standard for evaluating truth claims, no matter who are how many say differently. Associating faith in any way with science shows a complete misunderstanding of the purpose and intent of scientific inquiry.

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