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//Naomi & Nailit seem to have an unhealthy obsession with attacking the God they don't believe in.//
More like we have a HEALTHY obsession with promoting rationality, reason and common sense against religious belief.
My rationality, reason and common sense shows me that the God of the Bible is an aberration, a monster. Anyone sane enough that has read the Bible (in particular the O.T) could not come to any other conclusion. He kills his creations relentlessly over and over again by the most unimaginably painful means...flood, burying them alive, sending bears to tear children apart, sending snakes to bite, fire etc. He orders his 'chosen ones' to kill men, women, children, babies and animals frequently. He orders the stoning to death of people for the daftest of things like picking up sticks on the sabbath. He orders the wholesale slaughter of dozens of tribes because they didn't worship him and tell him how good he was. He hardens peoples hearts so that he can then punish them for his own glory (one wonders why he doesn't soften their hearts instead) The list goes on.
You can quote and cherry pick a few (albeit dubious) good bits out of the 'good' book, but the main story is both ridiculous and immoral.
Even if I did believe in the Bible (which I don't) I couldn't bring myself to worship such an evil entity as that portrayed in your Bible.