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Why Atheists Debate With Theists

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nailit | 18:30 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
220 Answers
It was suggested in another thread that atheists who debate/contribute to R&S are obsessive and may require therapy. I cant speak for other non-believers but I can speak for myself.
I debate/contribute to R&S for the same reasons that the politically minded contribute to news, for the same reason that right wingers will debate left wingers. I have minimal interest in politics so don't often get involved in those debates. I also don't have much knowledge of politics but I do have some knowledge of religion and in particular the Bible. I am not obsessive, I have stated many times that I have fundamentalist Christian friends and that I work with Christians but the topic of faith/belief rarely crops up in day to day life and I rarely, if ever, think about it. But if questions of faith arise, I WILL, give my viewpoint - as I do on here.
I don't believe in God or some supernatural being, I don't believe in biblical prophecy and I don't believe in miracles...and will give my reasons why when asked. When the Bible is toted as truth I will give my reasons why I don't believe that. When the Bible is held up as a moral guide book I will say why it isn't.
Some people on here seem to have an 'obsessive' interest in other sections of the site. I wouldn't say that they needed 'therapy'. We all have our own interests and mine happens to be R&S mainly because its something that I know a little about.
Hope this helps ;-)


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I don't set my self up to be an example to anyone but thank you.

I appreciate genuine debate and realise it can get heated sometimes, however mockery is something I find unnecessary and low.
Try then Theland not corrupting my username !
Quite right Mamya, mocking my username is just not on.
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//Naomi & Nailit seem to have an unhealthy obsession with attacking the God they don't believe in.//
More like we have a HEALTHY obsession with promoting rationality, reason and common sense against religious belief.
My rationality, reason and common sense shows me that the God of the Bible is an aberration, a monster. Anyone sane enough that has read the Bible (in particular the O.T) could not come to any other conclusion. He kills his creations relentlessly over and over again by the most unimaginably painful means...flood, burying them alive, sending bears to tear children apart, sending snakes to bite, fire etc. He orders his 'chosen ones' to kill men, women, children, babies and animals frequently. He orders the stoning to death of people for the daftest of things like picking up sticks on the sabbath. He orders the wholesale slaughter of dozens of tribes because they didn't worship him and tell him how good he was. He hardens peoples hearts so that he can then punish them for his own glory (one wonders why he doesn't soften their hearts instead) The list goes on.
You can quote and cherry pick a few (albeit dubious) good bits out of the 'good' book, but the main story is both ridiculous and immoral.
Even if I did believe in the Bible (which I don't) I couldn't bring myself to worship such an evil entity as that portrayed in your Bible.

Good one Nailit. Nailed it, sorry,lol.
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No need to apologize sparkly ;-)
Could have wrote a LOT more but just got home from work and in need of a bath. Will check in later maybe.
Theland, this is what I don't understand. You believe implicitly that the Bible is the word of God. Yet when someone quotes from the Bible a passage that you don't agree with you say it has been translated incorrectly. How do you come to the conclusion that only parts of the word of God have been translated incorrectly and how do you know that the parts you believe in have been correctly translated? It sounds to me like what the Americans call "an easy out", a good excuse is better than the truth.
Khandro I will read the words of the Rev Dr Pilkinghorne later but I doubt he will know the mind of Theland.
Theland, //I am confident in my beliefs and therefore don't continually bang on about them//

Haha! I always said you should try your hand at writing comedy. I even told you where to send your efforts. Shame you didn't follow my advice. :o))

Answer: Isaiah 45:7//

I didn’t post a query. I told you what God allegedly said about his own handiwork. You’re either rational or you’re not – and you’re not. Quite simply if you insist that your god is the almighty creator then it follows that he created everything – without exception – including evil, sin, and the fallibility of man. Your argument that the sin of man caused the earth to become less than perfect merely serves to demonstrate that your god also created, in man, the capacity to sin. God’s not off the hook, Theland – no matter how much you try. He, if you believe he is what you claim him to be, is culpable - wholly.

I presume attacking people who disagree with you makes you feel better so carry on. I doubt any of them will throw a hissy fit over it.
When and where have I claimed an incorrect translations?
//When and where have I claimed an incorrect translations? //

16:01 Tue.
///Why Atheists Debate With Theists///

The old Python sketch springs to mind:

"I've come for an argument."

"Would you like a five minute argument or the full half hour?"
Tue 16:01 - nothing wrong with that article.
Mozz71 - Am I in the presence of yet another expert?
Theland, there’s plenty wrong with that article. It’s a cop out.
I trust their authority rather than yours.
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I ask this in all sincerity, with no malice, sarcasm or anything else...just as a moral human being that you are. If God ordered you to kill your own son/daughter, would you?
And yet that is exactly what he ordered numerous times in the Old Testament? (often accompanied by 'And show no mercy).
Would you?
I doubt that you would. Because you are a moral human being.

Personally, if God ordered me to kill my son, daughter or any of my family, my first reaction would be '' **** off. That's not a deity, thats a demon speaking''

Theland, who are ‘they’, what authority do ‘they’ have - and where does that authority come from?
No I could t do it.
Abraham had been promised his seed would become a great nation. That had to come through Isaac. Abraham had faith so strong that he trusted God that all would be well.
He was right. What a strong faith.
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I wasn't thinking of Abraham.
You know the Bible so you know what other stories I meant.
"They," are expert theologians who have spent their lives studying the scriptures.

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