//58 minutes preaching, absolutely no chance of it being watched here//
Certainly goes for me.
So no idea how edifying Theland's 58 minute sermon is, nor its possible contribution to human happiness.
I idly speculate, however, that its positive virtues will probably outweigh the accumulated contribution of Zac's Master whose sermonisation on any one day on AB exceeds the 58 minutes by at least a factor of five.
Do you have a brain of your own to think with or is it always made up of you-tube vids of the thoughts/ideas of other people?
You never seem to have an original thought of your own.
Just curious!
All me own work up till now but looks like I'm up against a spiky lifeform that considers itself superior to mortals and may have to call for assistance should things progress.
Or not.
Not quite sure what's suddenly upset your equilibrium and care even less but, maybe take more water with it this late at night.