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If God Revealed Himself . . . . .

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Theland | 02:53 Sun 22nd Sep 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
42 Answers
If God revealed Himself with unequivocal evidence of His existence, would you recognise Him and worship Him on account of fear, or on account of love?
Think carefully before answering. Please.


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I read that as if he was a flasher to start with lol

I guess I would apologise for doubting Him to start with, and then see what happened. How He acted would dictate my opinion of Him.
Can't sleep?
I don't believe in God and I am happy with that decision. Some of my friends are religious but most aren't.

Life is a struggle and if your God helps you on your journey through life then that is good.

Religion has been at the root of many wars and much suffering. As a species Humans are not always very nice.
I prefer the friendship of dogs and cats - you know that they like you for who you are.

Night, if I can move the moggie off my duvet I am going to bed.

Sweet dreams
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At that stage your opinion would count for zilch.
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Wolf - We have four moggies, and one lives upstairs - on my bed. Love it. Belly tickles and fleas! Love it!
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She tickles my belly and she shares in my fleas!
Theland, if you don't mind, can I reverse the question? If somehow absolute proof of the non-existence of God was provided, how would you deal with that?
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Mozz - Chew on this.
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I would search for another absolute moral authority, in vain I guess.
-- answer removed --
TL if your god is so munificent and good, why does he/she allow so much suffering, wars, diseases, hardship and evil?
Don't give me the codswallop of giving us free will.
I wouldn't worship him for any reason, theland. I would have a lot of questions, but he has no morals, it would be hard to respect him, let alone worship.
Does anyone else find it interesting that those who seem unable to recognise the good in themselves are the ones who seem most unwilling to see the evil in that which they worship?
As the old adage goes:

IF my aunt had testicles....

I’ve suddenly remembered one of the main reasons why I visit this site far less frequently of late i.e. repetition ad nauseum.
There is no reason to worship anything out of love. And why would something want worshiping anyway ?
//Think carefully before answering. //

Think about what - and why?

If indisputable evidence emerged I would believe it - but I wouldn't worship him. My opinion of his morals, his brutality, his spitefulness and his selfishness wouldn't change. There's no way I could be a fan of such a monster. Sycophantic I am not.
how would you define "god" - I mean to any sufficiently un advanced being, any sufficiently advanced being would appear god like. A theme regularly explored in Science Fiction.
I would say ok you cocked up, what are you going to do to put things right, then I would tell him/her/it to sort out his fundamentalist followers and do what the various believers pay him for.
You've expressed my feelings exactly, Naomi, but far more succinctly than i was about to.
//I would say ok you cocked up, what are you going to do to put things right,//

He'd say 'Tried that once ... it didn't work'.
Thank you, Ken.

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If God Revealed Himself . . . . .

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