Crosswords54 mins ago
Creation / Evolution.
400 Answers
What can you say that you know one thing about evolution?
Quite aside from anything else, you are still setting far too much store by the people who are speaking, and far too little by what they are actually saying. Evaluate the evidence for yourself, if you can -- what one PhD says, or a Professor, or even a Nobel Laureate or two, means nothing. They may be right or they may be wrong, but who they are is irrelevant to that....
14:20 Thu 06th Feb 2020
Jim, scientists are writing papers for other scientists to study, your students are studying a specific subject so are not qualified to decide whether or not your attitude encourages those who aren’t. All lives don’t revolve around science but that doesn’t mean others are not interested or should be dismissed or silenced because they have an opinion that doesn’t meet with current scientific thinking - which as we know is not set in stone. What’s right today could well be wrong tomorrow so who’s to say it shouldn’t be said? You? Me? Anyone? I don’t think so.
// should be dismissed or silenced because they have an opinion that doesn’t meet with current scientific thinking //
not every opinion has equal validity - who is it who often describes my ideas and posts as utter nonsense? O I do believe it may be Nigh.....
and who was it who was complaining I was a stalker
- even I said of that one, absolute rubbish !
Scientific ideas really can be Right or .... Wrong.
It is built into the idea of science and experimentation.
such as I think coronavirus is a bacterium - nope, deffo a virus
or I think MMR kills more little babies than it saves. Nope go to Samoa and look at the graves of dead unvaccinated children = all 162 of them
or I think protons are really neutrons
oo-er Mrs! some difficulty with that one
take it from a deep thinker like Jim ( Hi Jim and also Beso!)
not every opinion has equal validity - who is it who often describes my ideas and posts as utter nonsense? O I do believe it may be Nigh.....
and who was it who was complaining I was a stalker
- even I said of that one, absolute rubbish !
Scientific ideas really can be Right or .... Wrong.
It is built into the idea of science and experimentation.
such as I think coronavirus is a bacterium - nope, deffo a virus
or I think MMR kills more little babies than it saves. Nope go to Samoa and look at the graves of dead unvaccinated children = all 162 of them
or I think protons are really neutrons
oo-er Mrs! some difficulty with that one
take it from a deep thinker like Jim ( Hi Jim and also Beso!)
-- answer removed --
// Jim, scientists are writing papers for other scientists to study ... //
Gosh, are they really?! I must remember that.
What's right today is based on evidence. That evidence may well be overturned tomorrow, but it isn't likely. Some theories will not be discarded but will be updated -- hopefully sooner rather than later!
But here's the other thing: I have never argued that opinions should be silenced because they disagree with scientific opinion. I don't see why you are stressing a point that has never been up for debate.
Gosh, are they really?! I must remember that.
What's right today is based on evidence. That evidence may well be overturned tomorrow, but it isn't likely. Some theories will not be discarded but will be updated -- hopefully sooner rather than later!
But here's the other thing: I have never argued that opinions should be silenced because they disagree with scientific opinion. I don't see why you are stressing a point that has never been up for debate.
You're still confusing two different aspects of science: method and results. If anyone argues such-and-such because they have evidence to support it, that's science. If someone offers an opinion without evidence -- or even worse, in spite of overwhelming evidence against it -- that isn't science. The two are wholly different. One is disagreeing with opinion (which is fine); the other is disagreeing with methodology and reason.
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