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What Has God Ever Done For You

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nailit | 19:26 Sat 08th Feb 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
217 Answers
That you could never have done for yourself anyway?
Theres always lots of debates on AB (or at least r&s) about the existence of God, creation v evolution, the historicity of the Bible etc.
But very simply, what has this 'Being' ever done for YOU?

When I was a teenage fundementalist' Christian I was very taken with stories about how God had helped someone find their lost car keys after a prayer or how someones Aunt Aggie had recovered from an operation. (After a prayer of course).
The Bible tells us that if we pray in faith, that mountains can be moved. Jesus (allegedly) says that his followers will do even greater things than he.
If this is the case, then why arn't christians active in hospital prayer in childrens cancer wards?
Why dont amputees ever grow a limb back after prayer?, Why has Maddie never been found despite the prayers of thousands of christians? Why are there so many people still ill (even terminal) after recieving prayer?

What has God ever done for you, that you didnt do for yourself?


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Nowt, Nailit. Zero, nil, nothing. Ever.
Most real-life Christians don't want regrown limbs, Maddie found etc - but Nailit seems to think they're not 'real' Christians as they're not following all the words in the book. But if they do, then he wants to know why they believe all the words, stuff as it doesn't work. It's pretty circular stuff.
Pixie, I don't either, but I'm talking in the same extends Nailit is when comparing a Christian to a suicide bomber.
Some of my happiest memories are of being involved in my local Methodist church as a teenager, I prayed in later years for my daughter who got breast cancers so it helped me so I guess that’s my answer Nailit
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//What complete tosh. Generally, normal folk who believe in God in the privacy of their own homes don't have any intention to do harm to others
I'm no Christian Nailit, but that is a preposterous thing to say and makes you look foolish.//

If you say so (or believe so)!
Believe what you want Mozz, Question was delivered to believers, not sunday school teachers.
Ok x you can't compare religious people with criminals... they are just not the same.
^^ to Mozz
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//Most real-life Christians don't want regrown limbs//
Err, actually i did know at least one who did!
It never happened??
Always wondered why?
Perhaps you can enlighten me?
//you can't compare religious people with criminals... they are just not the same//

Isn't that what Nailit did in the first place?
Sorry, Nailit, I should have said 'most people don't want - or expect - God to re-grow their limbs' - we were talking about the power, lack of power of prayer.

PS Your question was directed only at a certain kind of believer - you're excluding the thousands and thousands of Christians who haven't read as much of the Bible as you have, haven't interpreted it properly...
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//you can't compare religious people with criminals... they are just not the same//
Isn't that what Nailit did in the first place?

Where the hell did this come from?
What the hell are you talking about???
I thought so, hence my answer x
//Believe what you want Mozz, Question was delivered to believers, not sunday school teachers//

What makes me a Sunday School teacher? My lack of toxicity towards believers?
It's coming from this, nailit
//I disagree.

Muslim suicide bombers derive comfort from their faith as well.//

The conflation between religion and criminality xx
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Nical, show me just ONE evidence of a believer who has had a limb restored...
Nailit, 19:48 when you compared someone finding solace with God to somebody finding solace as a suicide bomber.
-- answer removed --
Nailit, what on earth are you talking about now? I have never made such a claim - not on this thread, never in my lifetime.
Am I just the lucky/unlucky recipient of the most random question?
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Mozz, what the hell are you on about?

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