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Theland | 23:48 Sat 29th Feb 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
73 Answers
1st Question - Do you believe in a universal law of cause and effect?
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Infinity, by its very nature, precludes a beginning (or an end of course).

The fact that it is difficult for us to comprehend is where the religious despots crept in and conned millions with their fairy tales.
Indeed, Canary. The futility of arguing about something the human mind has difficulty comprehending never ceases to amaze me. Yet people spend hours and hours on here, doing just that.
\\ Vulcan - Then I must bow to your wisdom that is greater than any God.//
It would appear you don't accept your God created logic but quite happy to accept he created sarcasm.
Surely one can imagine a line that starts where you are and then stretches out to infinity ?
If so, infinity can have a start (or an end depending on your point of view) but it can't have both.
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Nailit - You always revert to type.
Insults and mocking and downright bad manners.
Is that your last post on it, theland? Are you going to respond to anybody else?
I don't understand the question. Could you elaborate please?
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Pixie - simple common sense.
There has to be a first cause, call it what you will.
I would have thought so, but other posters who know, are saying differently. In any case, as often as you suggest there must be a first cause, you don't seem to require one for a god to exist. So, it wouldn't help your case, even if you were right.
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The scientists can't agree amongst themselves.
I rely on common sense and scientists with common sense. Eg John Lennox.m
I don't really care what others "think", unless it is proven. You either go by "common sense" or "faith" but they are opposites.
You claim more than anyone, theland, that there must be a "first cause"- so what is the first cause of God? And please don't try claiming that he just "is", as that clearly doesn't follow under "common sense". So, where have you got that idea from?
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The Bible God is eternal.
Obviously the first cause for everything.
That is not "common sense" or "obvious", theland. Please explain how?
... and if you post a link- I'll know that you have no more idea than I have :-)
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I can't explain the nature of God other than what I believe, and science is either silent or confused on the subject.
I'm not asking about science, I'm asking for your thoughts. Even if science doesn't know yet... it is a massive leap to presume it must therefore be down to an omnipotent spirit.
So, why is it you believe that, please?
I don’t know much about your God being eternal Thelland,but you sure leave yourself wide open for nailit to vent his insults and bad manners,
Why do you do it? Is it maybe you like to wind him up?
If it is you are succeeding.

Jordy, nobody brings insults on themselves, and I think nailit just gets a bit frustrated, maybe. But as theland is actually answering, please let him x
We wish :-)

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