Various religions describe God as 'benign'.
Christians and Jews describe God as good.
Muslims describe God as 'Most compassionate' & 'Most merciful' etc.
However, the *reality* of the world as it is and the descriptions of God by the faithful don't mesh.
So either
a) God doesnt exist, or
b) He/She/It is not benign (in fact, he, she or it. is positively evil)
The arguement that suffering is the result of ''The Fall of Man'' is laughable.
What has the present pandemic got to do with a couple, eating a piece of fruit, thousands of years ago?
What has the zebra done to deserve being eaten alive by a pride of lions?
What has a city done to deserve being swallowed by an earthquake?
What has an innocent child done to deserve being raped by a pedophile?
Where was this *benign* (and merciful and compassionate) God in all of this?
I would love for there to be a benign father figure looking out for me. But there isnt...
Better to accept reality for what it is (Red in tooth and claw) and try to live your best and protect the innocent, rather than come out with nonsensical platitudes about the Deity that you believe in.
I cannot recall all the passages
but I do remember that good and evil will always be battling and evil will sometimes take advantage however good will always prevail in the end
True, but most threads don't retread the same old ground time and time again. You and I both know the outcome of this thread will be pretty similar to what I described just now. Makes me ask if there is any point to it anymore?
//Why can't you just let it be?//
Because if i did then why should any other question and answer site exist?
Its human nature to enquire.
If you dont like it, then dont reply.
Ignore it! Not rocket science.