Would you say GOD is to blame for all he suffering in the word to day . And if you do {AND WHY }
THE bibles answer to this question ? ? 2 Corinthias 11. 14 Ezekiel 28. 13,15
No I do't blame any god (and there are supposed to be quite a few if one looks at all the belief systems in the world) because I do not believe that god exists except as an invention by people to keep other people in their place...
No. Mankind is to blame for the creation of a deity, so how can you blame an imaginary entity for mankind's actions.
The bible is a book with stories in it like any other work of fiction based on some possible real life characters. E.g. Phillipa Gregory has written many fictional books based on real life events.
Naomi, your misunderstanding of the scriptures leads many on here to think you are some kind of authority on the subject, but the opposite is true.
You are no authority at all, and lead many into error.
Naomi, your errors are too many to mention, and you lack the humility to consider any position other than you always being right.
God created evil. Right, on the face of it He is responsible for every evil great and small, and this is something you push time and time again.
You are wrong.
Jumping to the simplistic option suits your atheism and attacks on belief.
Nothing will change that.