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Is There A Difference Between A Religious Person And A Spiritual Person?

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idiosyncrasy | 12:35 Mon 25th Jan 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
61 Answers
Society is inclined to think that these lifestyles are one and the same, and on the surface they are. So can we be both?


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Theland, Religious = //relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.//

That describes you. No bells and smells required.
That's fine, Theland - but I hope you see that you fit, almost exactly, the usual, everyday definition of the term. And, going by the contents of your posts, I definitely see you as more 'religious' than 'spiritual'. Many spiritual people don't need - or want - the crutch of a God.
Every one is 'spiritual' some (the majority) are religious.
The OED might describe it like that, but mention religion today and it conjures up church buildings, clergy in robes, and set piece rituals.
I don't do any of that, but if that's how I'm perceived that's fine by me.
What's in a label?
I just think it more nuanced to separate the two.
You’re not unique theland. The majority of people who consider themselves to be Christian don’t go to church and follow rituals.
The majority of people who consider themselves Christian may be nominally Christian because they believe they live in a,''Christian,'' country, are acquainted with the frills of it all such as the tea drinking vicars, the Royal family, Songs Of Praise, the Christmassy stuff and Easter eggs etc.
Just a thought.v
You don’t think they’re up to your standards then, theland?
Theland, your 'just a thought' was rather dismissive and, as far as the many Christians I know, really quite inaccurate.
I don't know the, ''majority'', of either nominal or other more committed Christians.
I only know those in my small circle of family and friends.
So no Naomi, I wouldn't know or judge their relationship with God.
Maybe you more?
Theland,//I wouldn't know or judge their relationship with God. //

But you do.... see your post at 17:23 Wed. You know all about them .. or you think you do... and they very clearly fall far short of your standards.... in your opinion.
Religious means that you subscribe to a formal religion of some sort.

Spirituality means that you don't, but you are open to the possibility that there are things beyond that which can be described by the science of physics.
Naomi, no.
Your forensic analysis of my posts leaves me somewhat baffled.
Are you trying to trip me up? Lay a trap?
Goodness me this is supposed to be a friendly discussion, an exchange of opinions, not a courtroom drama and cross examination!
Is is not the case that census forms asked for information regarding religion?
Is it not the case that before Jedi became popular, many people who never associated with churches classified themselves as Christian because they had been sprinkled with water when only a few wee!s old? Hence RC, CoE, etcetc?
Each to their own. We all have our opinions, you know mine.
Theland, you insult people who don’t believe as you do. Getting precious with anyone who points that out to you doesn’t wash.
Strange argument accusing someone of going into too much detail, Theland.
Theland; Your answers will never be sufficient for those otherwise inclined :0)
Don't encourage him, Khandro. You'll be among those who, according to Theland, don't do 'faith' the right way.
Gosh Naomi, how many fights have you started in the pub?
Jesus criticised those religious leaders who placed a heavy yolk on those they were supposed to care for, and some religions do that today.
That's what I criticise.
Theland; Ostrich yolk?
Theland, You’re worming again. Your posts here have criticised people who consider themselves Christian but do it differently from you. If you can’t support your arguments, or feel you have to move the goalposts to get around them, think before you put finger to keyboard because someone here will always spot the hypocrisy.

In answer to your question I’ve never started a fight in a pub - but this isn’t about me - or shouldn’t be.
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Just as people have material needs, such as the need for food, clothing and shelter, they also have spiritual needs. Money cannot buy spiritual needs.
Spirituality can be defined as “sensitivity or attachment to religious values” and “the quality or state of being spiritual.”
Just about every religion claims to know the path to spirituality, the directions given are about as numerous as the religions themselves.
People differ greatly in their ideas about spirituality.
So really, the only way to find the true definition of spirituality is to look to see what the Bible has to say.

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