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God's Plan

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andy-hughes | 15:27 Wed 12th May 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
304 Answers
Following on from the horrific news of a little boy killed by lightning -

I am genuinly intrigued to hread how any of our Christian contributors can begin to reconcile this tragedy with the notion that their 'loving' God, who clearly allowed it to happen, could let such a loss be felt by his parents and family.

What part of 'God's Plan' is working here?



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Nailit, try becoming an Eskimo then.
There is only truth on offer here.
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Theland - // There is only truth on offer here. //

Everyone thinks their 'truth' is THE truth - that's simple human nature.
//Science operates on the principle of beyond reasonable doubt//

And Science tells me (according to the above) that snakes dont talk, women dont come from mens ribs, magical fruits dont confer eternal life (tree of life) or a notion of good and evil (another magical fruit tree) that there are enchanted magical paradise gardens that are guarded by angels.

I could go on but I need some sleep.
But why you invoke science when it suits and then denounce it when it doesnt, says it all....

Like the christians that believe in healing but attend hospital instead of a church.
And then give thanks to God for health after an operation instead of thanking the surgeon.
Put the loose cannon away and get some sleep.
Come back refreshed.
nailit; All you want is an ARGUMENT not a discussion - why not face that fact ? Hang on & soon the pubs will be open again. You really are a tiresome bore.
Khandro, you never seem to want a discussion. Nailit often writes a paragraph or two and doesn't post videos or long quotes from so-called authorities. You usually post enigmatic quotes which I presume you find impressive, but which never really help to further a discussion. Almost as bad as TTT's "End of".
Atheist, your manners are impressive.
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He didn't call you a 'tiresome bore' though, so compared to you, Atheist's manners are considerably impressive.
Theland, if your theory was ‘reasoned’ rather than declare it certain you’d simply ask ‘is it possible?’ - and furthermore you’d still be googling to
try to find the identity of the painter. Claiming to know that which it is currently impossible to know isn’t reasoned.
// The idea that god has a plan which causing (or preventing) individual accidents to individual creatures is totally puerile and only embraced by religious simpletons.//

well it has gained wide acceptance on AB - ter daah !

is nt that one of the fraudulent arguments - you state the other side as completely lu-lu and then demolish it wiv elegant prose just as Andee has done

Do punters realise that it as always God Plan to have an AB thread of 290 entries saying absolutely nothing ? - no no someone surmises it was His plan to keep you off the dangerous streets for a few days ....
what did she just say? - show me the painting and I will tell you who painted it
//an AB thread of 290 entries saying absolutely nothing //

This is a completely unfounded assertion; the definitive answer was given at 22:20 Thurs. !
Seeing as a god does not exist, there is nothing else to say.
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Khandro - // /an AB thread of 290 entries saying absolutely nothing //

This is a completely unfounded assertion; the definitive answer was given at 22:20 Thurs. ! //

And what a surprise, it's your answer, and here it is again in all it's faulty glory -

// God doesn't have a plan - God IS the plan, just as trees are not made of wood, trees ARE wood. Wake up! //

I am awake, but that is about as definitive as next week's lottery numbers - I can shout out some numbers, but it won;t make me right, or indeed - definitive.

Just to help you out, since your mis-use of words to shore up your beliefs is common -

Learn to pronounce
adjective: definitive

(of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

Where, exactly, is your authority?
Khandro, that’s just another of your airy fairy pronouncements which yet again, having been asked to explain, you haven’t. Nothing definitive about that.
-- answer removed --
God's plan, or more precisely, the plan of those advocating for and promoting belief in god's existence; theocracy.
Gods plan has been revealed to us in the bible, and the keys to unlocking its secrets are given us on an almost daily basis with the unfolding of contemporary events.
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Theland - // Gods plan has been revealed to us in the bible, and the keys to unlocking its secrets are given us on an almost daily basis with the unfolding of contemporary events. //

Let's say for the sake of argument, that both those notions are true.

How does anyone know that their interpretation of either / both is accurate?

Clearly, just taking you and I, and forgetting the rest of the population of the planet - we manage to come up with two diametrically opposed arguments about the same thing.

Who knows, and I mean knows, not thinks, which of us is right, and how do they know?

If this is the 'evidence' you promised, it's not going to work, and I think you know that.
// unlocking its secrets are given us on an almost daily basis with the unfolding of contemporary events.//

this is a tad apocalyptic - the bible predicts the end of the world and when - - hhowever even by 75 AD there were epistles explaining why it seemed immanent at the crucifixion and hadnt arrived....

and anyway doesnt God's Plan ( see NT ) include gainsayer, liars and frauds? - "they will say the true way is er- untrue."

these may have been strictures against Gnostics and Marcians

sozza readers - a bit more brainy that andee hollering ( amoiling and atoiling) about a man wivva white beard and how Andy KNOWS he doesnt exist

carry on disputing boys and girls !

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