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God's Plan

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andy-hughes | 15:27 Wed 12th May 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
304 Answers
Following on from the horrific news of a little boy killed by lightning -

I am genuinly intrigued to hread how any of our Christian contributors can begin to reconcile this tragedy with the notion that their 'loving' God, who clearly allowed it to happen, could let such a loss be felt by his parents and family.

What part of 'God's Plan' is working here?



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Atheist; So you've been paddling in Google have you? take care you don't paddle out of your depth.
Dear, ''Don't Care,'' I think you misunderstand.
Speaking for myself, do not wring my hands worrying about the answers to the big questions, any more than Newton, Einstein or Hawking wrung their hands.
Mankind, (apart from you), is usually driven by a natural curiosity about the world around us, and in case you hadn't noticed before, this has been the main driver in scientific enterprise and discovery.
Please do continue to wear your ignorance like a badge, and take pride in it. It suits you.
As for the rest of us, we shall continue to read up to the best of our ability, the latest scientific discoveries, and compare them to what we know from Gods revealed knowledge.
Your respectful friend as ever.
Theland, //17:58 - Utter drivel.//

Because you claim to know what I know, and what I'm thinking.
I would never be so presumptuous myself.
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Theland - // Because you claim to know what I know, and what I'm thinking.
I would never be so presumptuous myself. //

Then I suggest you re-read your post at 13:04.

Clearly you would be so presumptous, why not - you have never been anything else.
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Theland , Khando - etc. - any danger of actually addressing the OP?

That would be a novelty.
Andy, I simply paraphrased back to you, your post at 21:39.
Not presumptuous at all.
Question Author
Theland - using phrases like 'Mankind - apart from you ...' is to presume that I am not curious, which of course, I am.

Presume - presumptuous - sorry if that's hard for you to grasp.

Anyway, since you have advised that most things are not 'God's Plan' in a prvious post on the subject, I ask again, since, as usual, you ducked the question - how do you you know that?

And again - since ducking is a habit - what about my OP on this thread?
andy-hughes;//Theland , Khando - etc. - any danger of actually addressing the OP?

That would be a novelty.//

I dealt with it long ago; 11:39 Thurs. to be exact
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Khansro - // andy-hughes;//Theland , Khando - etc. - any danger of actually addressing the OP?

That would be a novelty.//

I dealt with it long ago; 11:39 Thurs. to be exact //

This was your post -

// andy-hughes, If you believe God controls the production, intensity & direction of every lightening-flash on this planet, you know as little about Christianity as you know about natural science. //

I don't believe it Khando, I am an atheist, but surely you must believe it as a Christian, because the core of your belief is that God created and controls everything.

If that's your idea of explaining 'God's Plan' I think you are seriously letting your side down.
//If that's your idea of explaining 'God's Plan' I think you are seriously letting your side down.//

& I think you're seriously misunderstanding* the teachings of Jesus.

*in fact that presupposes that you have any understanding at all!
Misunderstanding the teachings of Jesus. Bit vague that, Khandro.
Theland, you TELL everyone what you’re thinking and what you THINK you know. I just respond to what you say.
Khandro, I think the religious have
misunderstood Jesus - and his teachings.
are we any nearer
"Death of innocent child shows that God doesnt exist!"

I dont think we are
carry on disputing !
// I think the religious have misunderstood Jesus - and his teachings.//

blimey broad brush strokes - do the atheists know anything about Jesus and his teachings? - -- well anyway - This is AB!
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Khandro - standard fervent response, rudeness to a non-believer, no answer to the question.
Fork lightning is an electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, God has nothing to do with it.
How's that?
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Khandro - // Fork lightning is an electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and the ground, God has nothing to do with it.
How's that? //

As I expected - because it fails once again to address the OP.

If God created, and controls everything, as Christians believe, then he does control thel ightning, and he chose to let this child die.

Since everything is part of 'God's Plan' - which part of 'God's Plan' allowed this child to die like this?
andy-hughes: It's idi.. (pauses) people like you who give atheists a bad name

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