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Unless You Are Saved Through The Grace Of Jesus Christ You Are Going To Hell.

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Theland | 18:10 Fri 02nd Jul 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
364 Answers
God is real, hell is real, and it is your choice whether or not you wake up to reality and accept the free gift of salvation.
The alternative is too horrible to consider.
It is either / or, there is no other way.
Save yourself. Now.


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If God and hell were real then they would already be a concern for everybody. But they aren't so they aren't. It's sad that people make this sort of thing up and shout it about to scare and control themselves and others.
Question Author
And your authority for saying that is ........... what?
so anyone who does not believe but are good people and do great works for charities and other kind things going to hell, if say what a vicious and cruel god you believe in, like a bully in the crowd.
That if they were real, like real things, then everybody would already know about them and wouldn't need to be told that they really really are real because someone else believes it to be so.
//The whole point of God sending His Son , Jesus to die for us was to offer us salvation//

An all knowing being couldnt just have forgiven and forgotten then? Like the rest of us do?
Instead he insists on a blood sacrifice? (like the ancient world did in them days)?
Question Author
Argue with Him all you like.
God does not change.
Insult me if it it makes you feel better, but God does not change.
//TIK TOK, TIK TOK, more seconds used up, closer to the grave.
One day there will only be seconds left.
Think about it!//

I do. Often.
And the conclusion is that I will accept my last heartbeat.
I lived my life and made my mistakes.
So what?
Should I endure ETERNAL torture for the sin of been bought into existance?
I didnt ask for it. I was created out of the lust of my parents (we all were)
I didnt ask for my genetics or upbringing.
I didnt ask to be abused as a child.
And I certainly didnt ask to be mentally abused by the likes of yourself with your own views of the likes of me, who should be mentally, physically or spiritually tortured forever.

Question Author
Me too.
//Argue with Him all you like.
God does not change//

And WHO is that a reply to?
WHO is arguing with God?
Why do you feel the need to change the question?
In a nutshell:
Aliens came, fought amongst themselves & one was "cast down".
We know who that was.
Churchlady (SNL), "Was it SATAN !?"

Anyway, they didn't have anything like the Prime Directive (Star Trek) so the primitive farmers were traumatized & thought they were gods. Millennia later, many still believe that nonsense.
Question Author
Don't be angry with me.
Come back with the balls to say what you would, face to face.

Would you tell me to my face that Your God is burning my recently deceased mum in hell but wants to save me?
Simple question, no theology or bible study required.
Just your views.
Theland; 21:17.
I'm not sure who you are addressing, but I don't think that God is angry with you or anybody else.
//Unless You Are Saved Through The Grace Of Jesus Christ You Are Going To Hell.//

My mum, dad, numerous friends, ex girlfriend, other relatives and loved ones are all burning in hell right.?
But god loves me?
But if I dont love the sicko back, he is also going to burn me?

Yeah. Love this god already.....
Nailit; why not give Theland a break? Why can't people have some compassion for those who are having a hard time? And why can't people have courage to face up to their own difficulties without seeking to take it out on someone else?
Atheist n- // Nailit; why not give Theland a break? //

For the same reason Theland won't give anyone else a break - he has a message and he has to pass it on, whether anyone is listening or not.

//Why can't people have some compassion for those who are having a hard time? //

Like Theland's compassion - repent or burn - that sort of compassion?

// And why can't people have courage to face up to their own difficulties without seeking to take it out on someone else? //

Like Theland does? Spitting hellfire and damnation like some Old Testament preacher?

Theland chooses to come on here with his inflamatory frighetning drivel, if he wants time away, he can take it - he doesn't, he revels in all this nonsense.
//Nailit; why not give Theland a break?//

He posed the question. Not me.
In lieu of flowers ...

Theland - // And your authority for saying that is ........... what? //

About the same as yours.

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