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The Jews In Prophecy.

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Theland | 23:35 Sat 24th Jul 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
242 Answers
The bible explains Gods dealings with the Jews from their father Abraham right up to the present day.
Whether they like it or not that are Gods witness to the world.
Searching the scriptures reveals the truth or falsity of the prophecies concerning the Jews.
This is something lost on the mainstream churches.
If you doubt this will you check the evidence for yourself?


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If you doubt this will you check the evidence for yourself?

The definition of evidence is:
Evidence includes all legal means exclusive of mere argument which tends to prove or disprove any matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted for judicial investigation

When you prove to me the existence of god or someone walking on water or turning it into wine or someone even parting a sea then I might pay some attention to your posts
Until such time I will not hold my breath
Why are you using a definition of evidence in relation to a legal case when the matter under discussion is non-legal?
Why are you using a definition of evidence in relation to a legal case when the matter under discussion is non-legal?

Theland has told us to look at the evidence
Where is that evidence ?
Can you provide it for Theland ?
I do hope so because this will be fascinating !
I have asked THELAND for evidence of his claims but I'd not expect the proof to be such that it would satisfy a Judge.
I have asked THELAND for evidence of his claims but I'd not expect the proof to be such that it would satisfy a Judge

So in essence we are in agreement that there is none is there ?
naomi - // The usual stuff about arrogant, pompous, snooty superiority … blah, blah, blah…that you post everywhere else. //

As opposed to the 'You're wrong ... you're being silly ...' that you post everywhere else?

You are hardly in a position to criticise me for trying to argue my point with Theland - you are turned that into a virtual profession!!
Corby - // I have asked THELAND for evidence of his claims but I'd not expect the proof to be such that it would satisfy a Judge. //

I wouldn't expect the 'proof' to be such that it would satisfy an enquiring four-year-old, and thus far, I have not been disappointed.
No evidence still?
Question Author
The evidence is the prophecies written, and fulfilled much later.
My post from Friday is unanswered.

Can you give the corresponding real-world event relating to each of the prophecies?

What exactly had the Jews done to justify God's allowing the murder of six million of his "chosen people"?

In the three-year period following the end of the war, what had the Jews done to be rewarded with the modern State of Israel?
Question Author
Corbyloon, if you knew your bible you would understand Gods plans for the Jews, and us. But you don't, so you blunder around in the dark, getting angrier and angrier and frustrated because you want to know, but are blinded.
All I know is that when Moses came down from Mt Sinai, he gathered the Jews and said, "I have good news and bad news from Jehovah."

The Jews said, "Give us the good news first - and then the bad news."

"He, upstairs, has reduced the number of commandments to ten. The bad news is that adultery is there."

Try telling that to a Palestinian or any'll be facing a fatwah.
Question Author
Good one DTC.
If you think I'm, "blunder[ing] around in the dark", why not illuminate my surroundings by giving specific answers to my specific questions?
The Jews in prophecy?
//The bible explains Gods dealings with the Jews from their father Abraham right up to the present day//
No it doesnt.
Give me a chapter and verse...

//Whether they like it or not that are Gods witness to the world//
No they are not.
Give me a chapter and verse.

//Searching the scriptures reveals the truth or falsity of the prophecies concerning the Jews//
No it doesnt.
Give me chapter and verse.

//This is something lost on the mainstream churches//

No its not,
Give me chapter and verse.

//If you doubt this will you check the evidence for yourself?//
I have! You are talking bull...
Give me chapter and verse....

Theland - // Corbyloon, if you knew your bible you would understand Gods plans for the Jews, and us. But you don't, so you blunder around in the dark, getting angrier and angrier and frustrated because you want to know, but are blinded. //

There you are, you don;t know the bible as well as Theland, but hey, who does!!

So it's your fault ...
Question Author
Andy, why don't you learn yourself the evidence that is available to all, rather than sneering and ridiculing?
Learn yourself. Ouch.
It is lost in the mainstream churches because it isnt true
it really is as simple as that

News just out - - the archbishop of canterbury has NOT got anglican doctrine wrong

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