I have this horrid, recurring nightmare where i am in hell. Down there, where it's warm and cosy all year round, they have a version of AB and i sign up to it. Problem is, the first person i see posting there is Theland!
Mozz, what do you think Martin Luther thought, over five hundred years ago, when he read in the scriptures about God bringing back the Jews to Israel?
They had been sent packing a thousand years earlier, to all corners of the Earth. Israel had been wiped off the map, and was called Philistine. The land had deteriorated into swamp and desert.
Only a madman would believe the bible!
And what happened?
That's why I believe the bible is true!
Theland, what a load of pious, sanctimonious, attention seeking tripe!! I bet you didn’t get that from scripture!!! And still no
justification for the ‘punishment’. meted our by your fraud of a god who you claim to be compassionate and just. You too hazi. What sort of people are you? Devoid of principle to say the least.
I have never understood how people like Theland and Hazi claim their God is compassionate yet don't follow his example by being compassionate themselves. Telling people to "do as I say or you will spend eternity in torment" seems a strange way to show empathy.
Not even any half measures, Vulcan. Regardless of how you live your life these people have the audacity to tell you that unless you believe as they do you’re doomed to unthinkable punishment for eternity which they accept. Still awaiting their justification for that - which is what the thread is about.
naomi, you won't get any justification because they cannot justify it.
You will probably get one of three answers.
You're being unkind to criticise
You don't understand
Here's another video
As for justification- what's the justification for living a life of sin, when you've been given the free offer of eternal salvation? Jesus died to save all of us from hell- whether you think it's justified or not doesn't change anything- least of all a Holy God.
God is perfectly justified in raising the dead, and we will all one day stand before the Judge. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." ALL of us are sinners, and could only plead 'guilty'; the difference between those saved and those unsaved are those who have taken advantage of God's free offer of pardon and forgiveness in this life- the precious blood which has been shed for sinners such as you and me; to save us from our sins. Accept him today as the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Deny it all if you wish; you will have all of eternity to contemplate your error.
Well said, Stableford. As Hazi said earlier on, there is no need for any one of us to go to hell- its reserved for those who don't want to be saved. Seems fair to me!
That’s not justification spungle. It might be all you need with your ‘me me me’ mentality - any donkey will follow a carrot - but none of you can justify the abject cruelty that your disgusting belief embraces.