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Atheist | 19:35 Mon 13th Sep 2021 | Religion & Spirituality
233 Answers
There is a lot of anti-muslim feeling here on AB, and also some anti-christian feeling. I'd be interested to hear from muslims who have thoughts on this.


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28/44. You know you're spiteful, naomi. You are literally the only Aber that I only retaliate with spite... because that's how you work.
The first sentence was about you, the second wasn't. I can see rudeness in people's posts without them being aimed at me.
My sins are many, mozz … allegedly.
We're all guilty of AB sins Naomi, it's just this thread has been particularly nasty.
Ladies please
not another - silly - spat
they are only words .... little children... love one another !
Yikes - pages of nothing
not even - - gobble de gooky stuff !
how have I have missed that word - far too long absent !
oh that
You’ve already posted that once and I’ve given you a link to show you it did happen.

nope ( again ) . I hope this aint gobble-de-gooky stuff !

read the 250 000 words a day transcript of the inquiry ( is this really too hard for people to understand?) and you will see. As Sir Jo Saunders sees and disapproves that it WASN'T all down to one security guard not wishing to be seen as anti-islamic

sad but true
and THAT is why, boys and girls, the inquiry has lasted two years and not.... one minute

( are people really gonna say: "foo dat too hard to understand dat" ?) oh lardy daaah

[Sir Jo Saunders is chair of the inquiry]
I agree mozz.
o god pages and pages of crap
I really think if this thread imploded the world would be a better place

only one lesson
read the ( transcripts of ) the sauders inquiry

but it really didnt need 200 posts to get that one thro to the masses
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I wish I hadn't asked for a muslim view; it seems to have sparked off a childish spat between non-muslims. No wonder muslims don't come here.
you wanna come darn da pub for a pint?
narfin on tel
It's a shame you didn't get replies from those you'd hoped for - perhaps they're just not here.
I suspect there must be at least, some. Perhaps, just deciding not to post.
Mamya, I agree that they're not here, and frankly, who can blame them?
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Thanks for all your responses. I've learned a lot.

Insh Allah. (if that's right; if not then my apologies)
"It's a shame you didn't get replies from those you'd hoped for - perhaps they're just not here."

He did get replies which did exemplify "a lot of anti-muslim feeling here on AB" - persistent pig-headed animosity more like - which should make it crystal clear why muslims would NOT have any inclination to take part in discussion.
Atheist, if you want the views of a Muslim, I told you - twice - where to look.
I think Atheist wanted to engage in a discussion with a Muslim rather than look at some old posts Naomi. I have no idea why he thought he might have been able to do that on AB is beyond me. I'm sure he would've had more success on Facebook or Twitter.
why not ask your question here

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