And further down in what appears to be your source...
"A spokesperson for the Centre for Inquiry, which is currently merging with Dawkins' Foundation for Reason & Science, told the Independent that "[...] It’s certainly not a breathtaking revelation that fewer than 40 scientists out of 137—culled from a pool of over 20,000—might not be fans of Professor Dawkins’ particular approach to science communication. Comes with the territory ... It was not so long ago that scientists were decrying the science popularisation of Carl Sagan, and even today there are some who take issue with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and others.""
And further up
"Elaine Howard Ecklund, the principal investigator for the whole RASIC study, stressed that none of the interviewed scientists questioned Dawkins' integrity as a scientist. “In general, scientists in interviews emphasised promotion of science over the scientist, diplomacy over derision, and dialogue over ideological extremism,” she said."