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Ok, I'm Starting Again....

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nailit | 18:25 Mon 02nd May 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
85 Answers
Im a blank slate.

''Many are called but few are chosen''
(Matthew 24:13)

Am I chosen?
Or called but am not chosen?

Why would God call some and eventually not chose them?
What kind of mind game is this?


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for once nailit we concur.
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Dont make a habit of it 3T, lol
It might relate to one of the deleted posts.
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//It might relate to one of the deleted posts//

Such as?
No point referring to deleted posts - they are also deleted, as per Site Rules.
I don't know because the posts had already been deleted. However, I have seen that "steam" phrase/question before on other threads and then it ends up deleted.
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//A tv programme and God ? Carry on . :-) //
I would if I could!
But I cant obviously.

Some seriously sad snowflakes/mods on tonight.
Nailit; why not engage with the posts, rather than the mods? Are you here simply to look for a scrap?
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//Nailit; why not engage with the posts, rather than the mods? Are you here simply to look for a scrap//

I ''WAS'' engaging with the posts...
Thats what I did as a child. Scrapped!
Over 50 yrs ago that I last had a scrap!!!
on this occasion I agree with nailit, the thread is disjointed if the mods are going to rip the guts out of it.
Behave least 2 of the removed posts I saw were you asking nailit what sort of/if he was on drugs tonight.

Neither of those referred to the OP so don't come over all righteous and coy....
Tora - Mods don't 'rip the guts' out of threads as you so eloquently put it, they enforce Site Rules.
not like you to be blank Nailit
Mr self opinionated - I'd say

pas de mind game - those who are called are given a chance of christianity and the few are chosen are those wo become Christians.
what about those before Christ good question
habere dies off vos multum!
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It wouldnt be the first time time that 3T has accused me of been a druggie because I ONCE took heroin etc.
Each to their own view.

I could just as easily accuse a certain Tory MP of been a sex addict during recent events but that would be just as preposturous.

But could I just have my thread back please.

FYIW nailit, I did not use the word "drugs" or any wear word in my replies above.
wear = swear!
Nailt - It's a thread you started, but threads belong to everyone.
Question Author
//Nailt - It's a thread you started, but threads belong to everyone//
OK, debatable.
But OK.
Can we get back to the question now?
Waiting to hear from the faithful.
TORATORATORA "FYIW nailit, I did not use the word "drugs" or any wear word in my replies above."

If you used the word "steam(s)", that is your rhyming word for drugs as in,
steam tug(s)=drug(s).

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