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Give Me Just One Concrete Proof Of Your Religion!

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nailedit | 18:30 Wed 11th Oct 2023 | Religion & Spirituality
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The science suggests mankind is the biggest problem to the Earth, or more specifically the creatures on it, at present.


Good & evil are human concepts. Appropriate and inappropriate actions are a better description. The devil is purely a personification to help the simple grasp some kind of understanding.

Unlike nailedit, I don't need proof of your religion, but I am curious to know about what it is you believe in.


Won't learn how you should act and think in order to bring about peace, safety, help, etc. etc. etc.. Learn to be a better entity.

O-G I don't need anything to believe in to make me a better person.

Just because someone believes, it doesn't make them a better person than me.

I started asking my Mum questions about religion and she was never able to give me answers that made sense.

It's something I don't usually discuss, but as Nailedit has asked a question, it's got me interested.

You don't have to believe anything you don't want to. But while you are here, if you allow others to destoy your planet you still learn a valuable lesson on what humans got wrong. Just answering your query.

O_G Thank you for explaining so well.

I know part of the reason why humans get things wrong.....religion.

God promised never to do it again, Barsel, and he hasn't. We were very nearly wiped out by a volcano about 75,000 years ago, though - some think there were only about 3000 humans left alive.

jno, God said he wouldn't do it again, but someone did, and nobody stopped them.

You won't believe any post we give you, so a waste of time .

I don't think you will be changing anyone's belief either an .

Anne, you have got me wrong.

I wouldn't ever try to change anybody's beliefs, I'm just trying to find out why some people do believe and in a way, I know the answer.

Some people feel the need to believe, it gives them peace and satisfaction.

I'm just delving a bit further to ask perhaps what is it they believe in.

Barcel, I was not replying to you but  nailed, if I have offended you I'm sorry .

I agree if there is proof then it is not religion

credo quia incredibilis - I believe because eet eez incredible


"I am th elight and the life, and if you bellieve in me, then you will have life everlasting" isnt really susceptible to proof is it?

Oh that's ok Anne, it seems Nailedit didn't stick around.

I did think you were addressing me, but I certainly wasn't offended.


PP I think we've already established that it isn't possible to show proof that there is a God, and if you word what you have just said a little better, I might understand what you mean.

No no no . It's just nailit has asked this question before, honestly I care not a jot what anyone believes or not believe . Room for everyone .m

I agree with you Anne.

It's something I haven't spoken about since 1997 when my Mum was no longer here for me to ask more questions, and I've never thought about it much since then.

Must have just been in the mood tonight for a discussion.

PP If you are still about, I've read it again and I understand what you mean now.

Telling someone there will be life ever after can't be proved.

I'm not sure of what other religions are told about what will happen when they die, but again, it can't be proved.

I'm in the corner

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