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With These Global Wars Is This The Beginning Of Armageddon

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locust | 17:39 Sat 21st Oct 2023 | Religion & Spirituality
50 Answers

Is this  Prophecy coming  true. Jesus has started his his return to the Earth ..  The Prophecy from Matthew . 24 . 7.  For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,
there will be Wars .Pestilence .earthquakes .these are the Beginnings of the Pangs of distress -these are the things Jesus talked about-  are  we seeing most of these things happening today. so we'll Jesus fulfiller's promise of the Kingdom on Earth.



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Peter pedant 21 54 sun 08 thoct 0213

Is heaven full of people like the OP?

parable of Dives and Lazarus - can i go back and tell them what it is all aboutGod - no - - ( they have already been told)Does anyone read the book they so keenly slig off?

Locust. there is a problem in our thinking. Would you agree because the Bible does not say that everybody goes to heaven. because if everybody goes to heaven according to (John 5 .28 ]all those in the Memorial tune will hear my voice and come out so .? my problem is .if there is people in the Memorial terms .and we are referring once again to the Heavenly. point they have to return back to the common grave to be resurrected.? but surely that's not in God's thinking. he wouldn't do such a thing.. because there are those who may say I would like to stay in heaven.. I do not want to be a resurrected. on the Earth again this is my problem.? Those whom Almighty God destroys, both body and soul, are not spoken of as asleep in death in Haʹdes, for there will be no awakening of them out of their destruction. (Matt. 10:28) Hence God’s written Word holds out no hope of a resurrection for those fighters against God who are executed in the “war of the great day of God the Almighty,” at Armageddon. (Rev. 16:14, 16; 19:11-21) Concerning the coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to the executional battle of Armageddon, Jesus spoke in his prophecy on the conclusion of this wicked system of things. Jesus said:


Could you answer my question at 13.15 Thursday please?

Remember let your yes be yes and your no no ( Matthew 5:37)


honestly Loust we have had this before... see wiki end of times and millenarianism

Yep and your Jesus lost his balls when Mary Madalene got to him in the Cave and turned him into a Vatican choir boy, St. Peter Pedant introducing him to the luminaries of Rome.... quite successfully on the face of it.

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18:55 Mon 30th Peter Pedantct 2023


honestly Loust we have had this before... see wiki end of times and millenarianism

Loucst - - yes you may have heard of it all before and you took it with a pinch of salt ..but the situation is changing and you can see the chaos .of this world .you may think I'm a babbling old fool. which keeps on about religion .but the point it was these prophecies are coming true the Bible is not just an old book with traditions it has a Lifeline for your salvation and it means everlasting life to those -who wish to take up the offer

Matthew 13 41-42 Matthew 24 -3 2 Timothy 3  -1 -5 Matthew 13 -39 yas this is just a reminder for your protection

It's curious, Locust.  You come here, you preach incessently, you want the reader to believe what you say and yet you won't reveal the branch of Christianity you follow - in effect who your teachers are.  Why is that?  

Neither has he answered my question as to why his proclamation of end times didnt happen shortly after July 2022, which he predicted it would. 

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Naom 24 17:05 Sun 29th Oct 2023 Could you answer my question at 13.15 Thursday

loucst to answer a part of your question - I will tell you that I was brought up as you call the Church of England .but I found that they lied and cheated . on the scriptures -as Bible student I found this with not a good situation. so I left the Church of England. and now I am just a Bible student who is trying to help people to see what the Bible says. not what man says-e?

Locust, thank you for coming back on that.  So your ideas are all your own?  You don't go to a place of worship and you don't read or listen to what anyone else says?


Which version of the bible do you use?

As you're looking in, care to answer my question?

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  Naomi24 10:23 Tue 31st Oct 2023  Which version of the bible do you use?    
 yes I will visit churches. but that doesn't mean    everything they are telling me are  true ?(  the Bible is my authority)  I wondered: ‘Why do humans continue to die if Christ redeemed us? Why do we pray for God’s Kingdom to come if good people go  to heaven?’ And above all, I thought: ‘If God judges us when we die, why would we later need to leave heaven, purgatory, or hell for the final judgment?’ Isaiah 45 -18 job34- 15  Psalm 104. 29. Psalms 146-4 .His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground 
 ??;  Because what the Bible is telling me is truth -For .I will try to explain and give you one illustration (for or example)
 for instance to all people go to heaven is that correct ?  I will give you chapter in verse to say this is not correct.  Ecclesiastes 9.5 .6 Genesis  3 .19 
These are the Bibles I cross reference with to get an accurate information
The Bible The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scripturesin      Living English     The Emphasized Bible   Moffatt  new testament Jerusalem Bible   American Standard Version    King James Version    Vines expository dictionary of old&new testament words

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Locust.yes I did tell you there was a disaster approaching. and this time is from the Bible prophecies. Of the God Almighty. there is a day of great tribulation upon us. And it will be fulfilled .It will happen .I don't know how. I don't know where. I don't know the time period .But this is God's time period. Not human time .So therefore we have to wait upon him to bring his day of great tribulation.  upon this human Society .which has turned their back on him .Because they think he is just a myth. But they will be surprised. you, and I will see the possibility of his sons arrival ?King James Version  .Daniel 2.44 Revelation 11 .15

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Zacs-Master 11:47 Sun 22nd Oct 2023 You told us the time was at hand back in July 22. Why didn't it happen then?

10:01 Tu 31 oct 2023 ... 10:24 Tue 31st Oct 2023

locust you state the bible is true.

How can it be completely true, it's full of contradictions which means only some of it could be true. If that's the case what proof is there to state anything in the bible is true?

Locust, thank you for answering my questions.  I'd be interested to know which churches you attend.

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Vulcan4 .2 11:14 Wed 01st Nov 2023 locust you state the bible is true. How can it be completely true, it's full of contradictions which means only some of it could be true. If that's the case what proof is there to state anything in the bible is true?

Locust . I have a problem with your thinking .because we are talking about the God who created all things upon this earth .so that makes him supreme creator .do you think this supreme creator is allowing a human .to .to .contradict his word of truth. And put his own human thinking in the place .Why do you think the Bible contradicts itself. tell me where you think it does . Or the passage in the scriptures so that I can look for myself and find or put the mattress straight

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Naomi2411:14 Wed 01st Nov 2023  I'd be interested to know which churches you attend. 
  Locust  -I have to be honest with you .I have stopped going to the churches because they keep on saying the same thing over  .And say over again.  Do not forecast God's Kingdom. or what's going to happen. Within the future . They're just using the people for their own personal gains .  They lie over and over again. They do not preach?
 1 God’s Kingdom      2  God’s .  Removes Its Enemies   3  Satan’s Way of Ruling Sure to Fail   4.Sexual Immorality ➤ Pornography 1  Thessalonians 4.5 ,       5 Religions, Customs, and Beliefs     6  .The Lie That Made God a Mystery,.

Locust, all the clues lead me to believe that you are a Jehovah's Witness which is why you don't worship in churches but rather in your local Kingdom Hall.

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