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Isnt 20 Months A Bit Excessive? 2 Tier Policing?

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nailedit | 14:06 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
36 Answers

The first people to be jailed after the Stoke riots. From the article...

// Deana Evans filmed the incident, shouted and chanted //

Filming, shouting and chanting are not crimes.

//Both attempted to obstruct a police van//

could be a crime  but if these were Just Stop Oil protesters would they have been arrested?

//Evans assaulted a police officer by elbowing him//

Obviously a crime but 20 months???

I once got 8 months for an ABH so 20 months for what is essentialy a common assault seems excessive. Especially when people are been let out of prison early because of overcrowding...





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damn savages......etc

//Evans assaulted a police officer by elbowing him//

On that basis the Manchester Airport man repeatedly punching policemen and women should get at least 5 years. Maybe. Or maybe not.

You WILL stay in your box and use the accepted language or we will crush you is the message.

Of course in 30 years there will be an enquiry absolving all but the maddest of any blame and lessons about the abuse of power will be learned.

Got to give those responsible the chance to die before action is taken.

Exemplary sentences intended to nip the riots in the bud.

They seem to bear little relationship to the severity of the offences.

Sentences are OTT & similar action in other protests would not even have led to prosecutions. Very definitely 2-tier policing & judiciary.

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Its interesting because there have been ove 60 arrests for the Stoke riots, but not one "brown" person amongst the published photos. Which is strange because I was there filming it for most of the day (The majority of it literally was outside my front door) And a certain demographic, outside a certain place of worship were firing fireworks towards the police.

They will be dealt with at the same time as the Harehills rioters, nailedit

 Harehills protester you bigot!


You've not shown your film to the police nailedit?

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//You've not shown your film to the police nailedit?//

LB there were dozens of you tube vids of the Hanley (Stoke centre) riots. Many of which I found myself in the background filming it myself. Everyone has dissapeared from You Tube!

If **I** had a certain demographic on my phone throwing fireworks at the police, dont you think the police themselves would have the same footage on there bodycams? So what would be the point of reporting it?


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The police had the same footage as me ( A certain demographic throwing fireworks and missiles at police) but only a certain other demographic getting arrested for the same ofence. (sans fireworks)

These rioters are Far Right agitators trying to destabilise a democratically elected Government. As such they are guilty of Treason which was still a Capital Offence until 1998. So the sentences are mercifully light.

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Don't think that canary is on the same planet as the rest of us.

We all have our political differences but this is something else.

//These rioters are Far Right agitators//

What exactly is far right about wanting to live in a country free from Islamification?

//So the sentences are mercifully light.//

20 months for 'elbowing' a copper? Seriously?

When I only got 8 months (ABH) for giving a neighbour a couple of black eyes. But you nudge a copper and you get 20 month?

Get lost...

This is 2 tier....



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Mind you, the difference is 27 years.

How times have changed....

Canary rarely thinks before posting. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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Can't access bednobs...

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//Canary rarely thinks before posting. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.//

We have rarly seen eye to eye DD on this site but for goodness sakes, these riots occurured literatly on the doorstep to my flats. I was actually there and had film footage of what was happenening. Mosque people on one side, others on the other side. Both throwing missiles at the police. But only white people seem to have been aressested...


Cleveland plod arrested an 11 year old, a couple of days ago, for being at the Hartlepool riots. Note they did not send around the child care, or child welfare, social services   ...   they arrested him. Would they dare to arrest the children of the new and exciting additions to Britain? If not why not. 

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