The Genius Crossword 255 By Soup in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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The Genius Crossword 255 By Soup

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Matakari | 13:15 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers



On the contrary, NACW, the hints have been helping me along quite nicely. Just two left , 5a and 10a for which I now have anagrammed letters. 5a: ?R?A?S and 10a: ?S?R?L
Four other clues, for which I have some anagrammed letter inputs,are giving me some trouble. Help would be appreciated.
1d  Kept braced (6) : S?E???   -   Anagram input letters

4d   They let tears over our late monarch (7) : ??E????  -  Anagram input letters
17d They pluck flapping parish turkeys’ wings (8) : ???R?T?P  - Anagram input letters
23d Lawyer calls to abandon no-platforms (6) : ?S?D?S  -   Anagram input letters
19a A racing trophy? Nice one! (First in Donington in Accord) (7) : ??U?T?D  -  Anagram input letters

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Thanks, Matakari.

1 Stayed 

4 Renters

17 Harpists, they pluck.

I hope this latest batch helps you to tackle the others! 

A racing trophy? Nice one!  

I wondered if it was to do with Nice, France.

Do you agree with the letters shown for that one, NAC?

19a A + Isle of Man motorbike race shortened" + "one" in Nice, France + D(onnington) = in accord


NMA, Yes, the letters for 19 A are fine. The 'Nice one' indicates the French 'one'. My forlorn hope was that Matakari would manage that clue...

23d 2 letter abbreviation for lawyer + a 6 letter word for calls/dins but abandoning "no" = platforms (definition)

I didn't realise that  was the plural of that word meaning platform- I got it but thought it didn't look right, but it did then give me the answer to an anagram that fits

NMA, that 'platform' clue was one of the ones I solved backwards, playing with possible anagrams.  I enjoy that anyway! 

I wrongly thought the plural of that word for platform was the same as the singular.

Matakari, you asked last week about the new setter, Fire,  on the Spectator squad. I read earlier that Fire is the pseudonym of four women, who set as a team. Apparently 'Fire' is Danish for 'four'  - I don't know if any of the four are from Denmark or if there's another reason for choosing the name.

PS I hope you had some fun with the last few anagrams. You'll have wanted this Genius finished before the challenge of the next Spectator puzzle!

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Thanks, NACW, I thoroughly enjoyed Fire's inaugural appearance last week and sensed a feminine touch from the gentleness of the offering. About to complete the Genius now with my final requests, and am looking forward to Doc's offering for tomorrow.

Thanks, Matakari. I saw your latest batch on the other thread - I think I have answered them all.

Matakari, sorry, I forgot to reply to your comments on Fire. Yes, I was pleased to see a new name, but I feel the Spectator needs a few more tough setters!  We need something to offset Doc...

Glad you have popped in, Matakari - I can congratulate you on getting your wish, a very Doc-like Doc puzzle! My enjoyment was... indescribable....

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The Genius Crossword 255 By Soup

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