the reason they get bullied is because people like you seek to keep it in the minority and perpetuate the myth that is will in someway corrupt the child.
this keeps the children being seen as 'different' from the other kids and therefore free game.
the bullying is your fault, not theirs, for bringing the kids up to hate others simply for being different.
the more this becomes a reality the less the bullying will become.
and if you want evidence of how well your so-called perfect family works, head off to any street corner, council estate and high rises, shopping centres, etc and see all the lovely, well balanced, and perfect families, screeching, fighting, abusing, being anti-social and framing their asbos -
then....walk a bit further to the residential areas, suburbs, country mansions - in fact, any house in the country really, and see all the lovely, well balanced, and perfect families, screeching, fighting, abusing etc etc etc- it happens in all walks of life.