<<I have no fear of my god because he is a god of love - not of retribution and jealousy as yours is.>>
Now Naomi, you rather sarcastically said that I was blessed with inside knowledge of God, (from my point of view of course the Bible tells me about God, it is God's revelation to men).
Now then, if you do not believe the Bible then where do you get YOUR inside knowlegde about your god?
(And if it's something you've came up with yourself, why is it more valid than mine?)
Anyway, you are not quite grasping what biblical Christianity is about.
I'm not scared of God, not in the way you suggest anyway. I do fear Him, in the proper reverential/paternal way.
But I'm not afraid of Hell or eternal damnation. Why not? Because I've accepted His loving gift of Christ as my Saviour.
Many years ago, through the Bible, I realised I was a sinner and could do nothing to atone for my sins or offer God. But God's Word says He is just and able to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all iniquity.
I trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, believing and resting on what He done on the cross, shedding His Blood for my sins.
I am truly amazed and so blessed to have fellowship with God. He is my father and I am His child, and have no dread of Him, just love.
I fail Him all the time though, and though I try not to I still fall into sin. But Christ has taken the punishment for these sins on Calvary.
God knows we are weak and feeble men and women. That's exactly why, out of His tremendous love, He sent His Son to die in our place. So Christ could fulfil the law that we couldn't keep.
Naomi, I don't know if know any Bible believing Christians, but all the ones I know aren't walking about in fear and dread but in love and joy, knowing the 'peace of God that passeth all understanding'