JESUS: The Bible was not written in English. What we read in English today are translations from other languages. The books in the Old Testament were written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek. Hence, the name "Jesus" is a translation of the Greek name "Iesous" (God is salvation). "Iesous" came over into the Latin "Jesu" and finally into English as "Jesus."
Some historians believe that the original Iesous was dialectical to the ancient Greek God - Zeus, which itself came from Dyeus meaning God.
LATIN: The head of the Roman Catholic Church is located in the Vatican City, which is within the vicinity of Rome. Latin is an ancient Indo-European language originally spoken in Latium, the region immediately surrounding Rome. The Latin Vulgate Bible became the definitive and officially promulgated Bible version of the Roman Catholic Church in 382 AD, replacing the previous Vetus Latina.
Maybe this is why the Pope wants to bring back Latin mass?