Goodsoulette: I apologise, my last answer was written not long after waking up and didn't come out quite as I had intended it.
The books may have been written to provide moral structure to society, I suppose. However, that being their intention doesn't mean it should be taken seriously. Why should a book written by some people thousands of years ago provide a moral structure, whether that was their intention or not? Also, the Bible was formed over hundreds of years. The intentions of one author of one book wouldn't have been the same as others, especially given the sheer number of people who've contributed to its compilation. How could they have grasped the wider picture and hoped that it would influence an entire society they didn't even know existed? Remember, other continents still had not been discovered by this point, so even if this was their intention it was one made without consideration for anyone but themselves at the time.
And if it's a book that tells us how we live our lives, why aren't you out stoning prostitutes and women who have affairs to death? Why aren't you haranguing governments to bring back capital punishment for homosexuality?
Once again (last time I'm going to do this), the book may well specify some good morals which you agree with and wish to follow. However, it is not the BIBLE which has taught you these morals, it's life. If it were the BIBLE you would be following ALL of its morals, but the fact that you can pick and choose what is good and what is bad is your innate ability as a human being to know what is right and wrong. This does not make the bible true, in fact, it means I could probably write a better version. It also doesn't defend the existence of god, or help the cause of religion's continued existence.