The Sherman - You think that 'believers' to be very very stupid.
Fair enough, I'm sure you'll get a warm welcome on R & S for that sentiment.
Have you considered though, that just as there are a lot of very very bright people who are disbelievers, there are also some very very bright people who become, or remain believers?
(I wish I was as bright as them).
Conversely, consider stupidity, attached to belief / unbelief.
I'm not surprised that you are repulsed by your experiences of the clique mentality of those who call themselves believers, from what you say, it is enough to put anybody off.
But, have you ever investigated the claims of the religious texts for yourself, or are you simply putting your 'faith' into what you have been told by others, who by profession or reputation, command your trust.
God, if He exists, does not depend on your belief or unbelief to do so.
But if He does exist, really really does exist, and it's just that you haven't discovered him yet, well, that will not prevent you meeting up with Him one day will it?