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Octavius, I am always amused when people suggest that because I don't believe in weird things, I don't 'believe in' anything and that my life is grey.
Well, if I interpret 'believe in' to mean 'appreciate' then here are a few of the things that I 'believe in':
Love, brotherhood, friendship, companionship, my family, my highly fulfilling work, music, poetry, literature, beauty in all its forms, humour, mathematics, logic, scientific reasoning, writing (professionally and recreationally), the wonders of evolution, the fascination of the origins of Christianity, good novels, Times crossword puzzles, the Rainbow charity quizzes, debate...
I'm sure there are lots more but that'll do.
I'm quite good at parties, as a matter of fact. At the Christmas party of one of the clubs I belong to I usually win the 'Oscar' for the best 'party piece'. Sorry to boast but you did ask.
I love my life, Octavius, and those around me.