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Proving the existence of God

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naomi24 | 09:18 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
161 Answers
I've been having a very interesting discussion with 123everton on another thread about ultimate 'truth', as opposed to faith or belief, and this question stems from that.

Can you imagine trying to 'prove', beyond doubt, in a court of law, the existence of your God? How would you go about it?



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Of course, that assumes the teacher is right.
Your God doesn't say the same thing as Theland's God.

Any help on how I decide which one is best? Could we arrange a fight after school?
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I'll hold your coats if you like.
I meant Theland's God verses Keyplus.

Personally, I've never agreed with the notion that 'might equals right', but in this case, given that we're talking about supposedly omnipotent deities, it would seem a reasonable test.
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In that case, I'll hold their coats - and look forward to it.
God is only one, If Theland believes in another one, I would like to have his views on that.
If Theland's God has same chracterstics as this, then I have no objection in accepting that as God. Otherwise Hindu believe in more than 8 million gods amd none of them fits in this frame.

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.
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Well, I don't think that can be Theland's God, because according to Theland, his one definitely 'begetteth'.
This is what REAL Islam does to you. sari.asp
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Oh, please!!! This question is about proving the existence of God. What does that prove?
Naomi - That proves the existence of God for the one who found him even after going through rough time.
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Mib That's soooo funny! Oddly enough, my jar of Marmite behaves like the peanut butter. Even more evidence! Gosh, we're going great guns here!

Love the non-slip, mouth shaped, handily sized (and handily curved) banana with in-built natural zips for your convenience. Proof? We'll can't argue with that. I'm hooked.

Keyplus It proves nothing.
To be fair to the banana idiots, they have had it pointed out to them that the reason bananas are like they are is not because God made 'em like that, but because they've been articificially evolved to be like that, and I understand they no longer use that particular example.

But don't worry - there's a world of equally good fruit and veg out there. And condiments, apparently...
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Noooooooo!!!! I'm so disillusioned!!
Dammit Waldo, You've shattered all faith in my
credibility. I'll never be believed again.

I�m ruined! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <o/"\o>
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No, Mib, don't let it get you down. Bananas aren't everything. Don't forget we still have ..........

...............the peanut butter and Marmite!! Praise be!!

Rest assured, Waldo's on the case. Drat!
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Mmm ... but could it be that this time he's met his match? Watch this space!
I just can't figure out a single logical fallacy with the peanut butter. It really is definitive proof that evolution is false. The scales have fallen from my ars... eyes.

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