Hi, has anybody ever heard of or even had a funeral/cremation service run from your own home, is it legal and can anyone post a website that run these type of funerals in hopefuly the kent area. Thanks.
My friends Dad died in hospital in January, his body was taken back to the house and a service was carried out in their home a few days later for close family and friends while everyone else stood outside the house. He was then taken to the graveyard for burial. I don't know of any websites but do know that they contacted the local funeral directors and minister who arranged it.
if you don't want any religion involved get in touch with the british humanist society. they may also be able to advise you on all the legal aspects of disposing of a body without all the usual (and costly) hooha. you may be pleasantly surprised about how this can be done to accommodate very personal wishes.
There are quite a few sites to look through if you Google 'Alternative Funerals'. If you Google 'Alternative Funerals Kent' you will find quite a few local websites.
I have done quite a lot of research as all our family want 'low key' funerals with paper coffins and woodland cremation. There is no reason why you can't hold your own ceremony from home and transport the coffin yourselves.
Your posting has appeared since I started mine. Yes, you can choose burial or cremation. I know of no laws whatsover that dictate otherwise. I certainly cannot envisage any of my family choosing to be buried!
Just asked my sister (she works in the funeral business) & she said yes, you can.
Contact a funeral director of your choice in your area & tell them what you'd like.
you can actually do the whole thing yourselves, provided all the necessary paperwork is completed. you don't have to involve a funeral director at all. it's also a lot cheaper to not have any sort of service at the crematorium, and just take the deceased there to have the necessary done.
i know someone who collected his elderly mum's body from wherever, in his van, with no coffin, and took it to a woodland burial place.