talk about the beginning of a great adventure... I love this. It's a great step in the history of pure science, and I for one am thrilled that I'll be around to remember this. The whole point of pure science is jumping into the unknown, without usually having a full understanding of consequences. This could be our generation's moon landing!
I'm with Whickerman on this. It's incredibly exciting.
............ but as far as having a good reason to go to church today, I think my original idea was brilliant ........ so why haven't I got any stars, mibs?
Naomi, A thimble of wine has never served as sufficient reason for me to darken the doorway into a church. A bottle perhaps . . . but first they'll have to close down the local license. Rumours of turning water into wine might stimulate my curiosity enough to watch for the repentant stumbling out the door and down the steps. <"?
Yes I see what you mean jake. It would appear that the ILC won�t go ahead anyway, at least not for some time. The UK pulled out of the project late last year I think.
My lone voice echos around these empty spaces.
Only when stars appear will I truly believe this is a lifeboat for times of crisis, like if the Ed demolishes the Sanctuary.