The Quakers in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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The Quakers

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JockSporran | 11:28 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
75 Answers
They see God as the spirit of the universe (you are free to interpret that in whatever way you wish), not as some big beardie in the sky ready to smite us with a thunderbolt for being naughty.

They see Jesus as a cool dude, a sound bloke, not God in human form.

They don't tell you what you mustn't do. You can smoke, drink, eat red meat or whatever.

They have a liberal attitude to contraception and sexual matters.

They believe in evolution and science.

They support world peace, equality and an end to poverty.

Sounds like the religion for me (atheism didn't work for me). Should I give them a try?
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Quakerism is rather diverse. This might help.


You can be an atheist quaker.
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Thanks tons for that, naomi. I checked that out and, yes, it sounds about right. A pretty broad-minded lot. That sounds good.

I'm glad it was you who answered first, because you always come across as a person who looks at these matters with a rational mind.

Dare I say it? I like you.

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Thanks, Octavius. That's a help. I'm a spiritual person rather than religious in a bible way. I'm a pantheist, and as such don't see myself as an atheist.
Ooo .... you and your blue eyes!! Thank you, Jock. :o)
I can see few similarities with Islam there.

That must be the liberal attitude to sexual matters and belief in evolution and Science!


The lack of a proscriptive approach to diet?

Freedom to interpret in your own manner?

Surely you can't mean the support for world peace and an end to Poverty - I can hardly think of a religion that doesn't support that!
No- Once again you could not spot it. Try again, but do remember to take the blindfold off otherwise you would be going round and round in circles.

No seriously Keyplus with all due respect to your religion it is rather prescriptive isn't it?

You're not big on allowing different personal interpretations.

Now I can see similarities with the Bah'ai religion but Islam sees them as heretics doesn't it?

And what do you think of Sufis? Is their view of Islam is valid as yours?
I see the statement 'few similarities' as meaning 'not many'.
My word for keyplus's post is "incredulous!"
Perhaps Keyplus thinks if Jock can spot the similarities he says there are, he might be tempted by it. The problem is, if Islam is brought into the debate, yet another totally unrelated thread will then be dedicated to a discussion on it - as frequently happens these days.
..... or a naomi/keyplus bickering match - as frequently happens these days. :o)
As I hail from Bury, I have always been fascinated by both the Shakers and the Quakers..........

I think that if I had to go in any one 'direction' for religion, I might give the Quakers a long second glance.

Let's please not get shepherded up the usual Islamic cul-de-sac...........
Perhaps Octavius, but if we ALL stuck to the subject in hand and left Islam out of it unless the original question concerned Islam, it would help - don't you think? :o)
Indeed, but I haven't mentioned it. You havew though, 4 times now. :o)
Hi Monkeyeyes, my point precisely.

Did you read the link I gave Jock? It says the Shakers stemmed from Quakerism, but maintain celibacy of their members, and so there are only three surviving members left. I can only presume they've relied upon converts to swell their numbers and business hasn't been too good lately.

Err, Octavius, you haven't mentioned what? If you're talking about threads going down the Islamic route, count again. I mentioned it twice before your post - once in general, and once to make a point to you - and since then I've agreed with monkeyeyes - so at the time you posted '4' , I made it '2'. Maths not your strong point? :o)
Yes :o)
Probably why Shakerism isn't quite as appealling as Quakerism............I'm with St. Augustine on that ! :o)
I couldn't see it being too appealing either. :o)

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