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Octavius: NDE`s have also been described from many areas of the world including India, China, Middle East and South America. In some cases it hasbeen found that although some features may be different, the core features are similar.
e.g. a Christian and Hindu may both have a NDE in which they feel at peace, see a tunnel and a light. However, if they see a being of light the Christian may recognize that figure as one specifically related to Christianity wheras a Hindu may see a figure related to Hinduism.
Horizon Research Foundation was set up in 1987 and those involved are forerunners in the field: Peter Fenwick, David Lorimer and Sam Parnia.
Naomi: it`s like any other field, isn`t it, we`ve never heard of it until we hear about it for the first time!
For my part, having investigated the so-called paranormal for nearly 30 years, I`ve seen and heard too much to put it all down to imagination. (a young girl, just before she died in hospital, suddenly sat up, smiled and spoke to her best friend, who wasn`t there in the flesh. Her family found out a few hours later that her friend had just been killed in a car accident a few moments before her friend in the hospital)
But I do not try to convince anyone of anything. I know that`s impossible. Only self-experience can do that. As you might know EVP, the taped phenomena is my speciality and to many people around the world nothing is more evidential, and repeatable, than capturing voices of dead people on recording tape.
If it makes you think, go and investigate it.
Hi Keyplus.