Dave, the Abrahamic religions can�t be compared with Buddhism in any shape or form. God as we think of him doesn�t exist for Buddhists. Buddhism embraces a totally different philosophy where kindness is paramount. Buddhism has no great creator, and there is no God who sets rules, or demands adoration, or threatens terrible punishment for perceived �sin� - in fact �sin� is not a Buddhist concept. A Buddhist knows right from wrong, and in his efforts to achieve personal spiritual enlightenment (Nirvana) and thereby eventually become one with the universe, he does his utmost to do what he knows is right and he takes sole and complete responsibility for himself. As far as wealth goes, I suppose it all depends upon your attitude. If you are sincere and continue to strive to do better, using your wealth for good, then fine, you�ll be reincarnated as an even richer man. However, if you don't use your money for good, but become selfish and greedy, then back you go to a lesser state in your next life. That's the theory at least.