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Why the hatred against religion?

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JockSporran | 09:40 Tue 03rd Mar 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
95 Answers
Please, please, please I don't want to hear the usual ranty arguments against the existence of God or afterlife, I just want to know why the hatred against religious belief. Nobody today is forced to go to church and the Church no longer sets the standards or forms the opinions of our society, so what's the problem? Why the anti-religious posters on the sides of buses? Why does this ant-religious sentiment continue at all?


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I didn't mention them jake.

You must be confusing me with someone else.
Octavius, your little personal anecdotes seem rather a non-argument to me, bearing in mind the Pope's take on Harry Potter. Still, I don't suppose many are influenced by him, are they? /industry_sectors/media/article543521.ece
His sentiments included in a couple of private letters written 6 years ago before he was Pope?

'Subtle seductions' is hardly condemnation. Sounds to me like he was appeasing the German author by telling her to write to the correct people.

In any event, my personal experiences are what form my personality and opinion. If your allodoxaphobia makes you swoon at any of my personal opinions, then I would suggest you are rather irrational.
Anyone else just look up allodoxaphobia?? :D

Anyone would think that believers were incapable of rational thought and disbelievers capable of nothing else but.
Yes, I admit it I looked it up too!! And I am still trying to work out how you can live life with a phobia that literally stops you conversing with anybody about anything!!
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Octavius, Rest assured, nothng you say or do would ever make me swoon. Perhaps you should have looked up allodoxaphobia too.

I don't think you read the link properly. The pope said a little more than that.

Mani Naomi saying that wizard has no time for the religious I don't believe I've ever said anything of the kind.
Very well put Mani.

I also have a Masters degree.
I was tempted to respond to that ......but I won't. :o)
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I just find it hard to believe that so many people believe in some guy up in space looking down on us who is all powerful but does nothing for anyone. What is the point of that guy? I mean it's crazy.
Wiz, it wasn�t really a reflection on scholarship, more a comparison of similarities. Mani and I both�.are men, have religious beliefs, have masters�.

Next Mani will tell us that he also belongs to a Morris dancing troupe and has a stash of tear-stained broken Mariah Carey LPs in his loft. It�s a small world after all.
ANY Says ''I find argument that people are driven to hate religion because of the House of Lord's, religious assemblies and the like extremely weak.

If you analyse the majority of posts by non believers in this section, it's usually about using answerbank as an opportunity to abuse people with a different viewpoint or background rather than putting across valid grievences.

It's not a valid grievance ? Unelected members of a Cult deciding on our Laws ? What could be More Valid ?
Most legislation can be introduced in the House of Commons and Lords, but, most commonly is introduced in the House of Commons. The power of the House of Lords to reject a bill passed by the House of Commons is severely restricted by the Parliament Acts. Royal Assent can be given without any Lords involvement.

Of the members in the House of Lords, there are�

614 Life Peers
75 elected by their own political party
15 elected by the whole house
2 Royal Officers
26 Lords Spiritual from CofE

Which ones did any of us elect? In comparison to the Lords Temporal, the Lords Spiritual represents about 3.5% and they rarely sit or vote in large numbers. A study carried out between 1979 and 1987 found one vote which was decided by the votes of the Lords Spiritual present, and this was only handful of them. Can you provide any recent examples of how they have decided on our laws with any detrimental effect?
just to enlighten the un-enlightened. It doesn't stop the buses!
If Adolf Hitler begs forgiveness and converts just before shooting himself in the Berlin bunker, he will go to heaven.
I, on the other hand, won't ever do that and despite having led a good life, I will go to hell.
This is one of the reasons why I HATE religion.
mariner, do you believe in heaven and hell?
mariner2.....have no fear - we all end up in the ground.
Octavius, no, I don't believe in heaven and hell, but my problem with religion is with the ones that would tell me this and believe it.

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