Overlooking the pejoratives used, Mr. McFroog actually isn't that far from the truth... especially when he says "... you're just a cr@p Christian, not an ex-one". Truth be told, any of us who claim salvation by the perfect sacrifice of Yeshua Ha Massiach are "cr@p Christians" by comparison. But, I would point out that Yeshua said (in John 10:28-29) "... I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father�s hand. I and the Father are one."(emphasis added). The fact that He also states the unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not in contradiction, in my way of seeing it, in that Glidr is moved to enter a post on a random site to those whom he/she does not know stating that Jesus "cannot be denied" and still believes in HIm. That's a heart's cry for understanding, not a refutation. Conversely, it's solid evidence that the Holy Spirit is moving in his/her life, just as He has in every believer's life, and "...that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the Day of the Messiah Jesus" (Phillipians 1: 6)...
Yeshua emphasizes in the very passage quoted about blaspheming the Holy Spirit, that it is not unforgiveable to deny Yeshua... (Matthew 12:31-32). Heck, Peter did it three times and Yeshua still invited him to a shore lunch...