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Mediums, Psychics and the After Life

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ojread2 | 19:19 Sat 01st May 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
38 Answers
I've always been on the fence as far as this subject is concerned until a couple of weeks back. Now I'm firmly on the side of believing

Does anyone seek readings regularly? Have they been accurate?


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I am quite skeptical about telephone and mass reading events.

However many years ago my partner and I had a private reading with a woman who lived nearby. She clearly had access to things about my life she could not have possibly known or guessed.

My grandfather who had passed a few years before was named Tom so it was hardly surprising she used his name. However the next thing she said was an expression that I have only ever heard used by my grandfather.

His "parting words" were to "tell Mary that it is nice on the other side". Mary was his wife's name and she was still alive. Common names yes but accurate in the expression of the spirit of a person.

I listened to a recording of a very old reading done for my mother-in-law. It had been missing for many years and finally turned up. The insights and predictions had been incredibly accurate for the two decades that had passed since the recording.

My parents told me a storey of my father having a reading with an extraordinary medium who very detailed specific things about his current past and future life. He was told that he would have three children. Doctors had told my mother that she would not conceived any more children after a difficult bith with her first child. The medium was right.

She told my father to warn his brother-in-law "to protect his eyes" which my father did. Not long after his arms were badly burnt by boiling sugar when the contents of a confectionary making machine exploded in front of him. He said that the thought of that warning as it exploded saved his sight.

The same woman directed police to the location of a body that thay had not been able to find after a car accident.
I would have thought that in the 21st C such medieval mumbo jumbo would have been dispersed in the clear light of day.
How can people be SO gullible.
I despair.
how strange my grandads was called tom and my nan whos still alive called Mary
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One of these people told me things he couldn't possibly have known - very definite things - not the sort of airy-fairy stuff that most of them come out with. In fact little of what he said made any sense to me, but since it concerned my father, on my return home I told him, and he knew exactly what it all meant. He was absolutely astonished. I didn't go to this man seeking a 'reading'. He was just someone who approached my husband and me and said he had things to tell me.

I would never seek a 'reading' because I think most clairvoyants are charlatans who prey on the vulnerable, and are therefore often dangerous. However, having had that experience I cannot dismiss it all as nonsense. I have no idea how it works or what's going on - but something certainly is.
That is exactly how I feel about it Naomi. Too many odd experiences to dismiss that there is more to reality than we currently understand.

However I don't find that a god is a satisfactory explanation, particularly one that demands unwavering constant worship to make things go how I would like.

I have no doubt that such things have a natural explanation. Science simply does not have any grasp of this particular aspect of reality yet.
Beso, I never consider for one moment that anything like this has any connection to a God of any description. In fact I don't believe that anything is supernatural. The greatest mistake people make is to say 'I don't know how it happens so God must be responsible'. How can they possibly find it acceptable to explain something they don't understand by attributing it to something for which they have no evidence whatsoever? That's just daft. If they satisfy themselves by saying 'God' must be responsible, they're never going to take the trouble to seek, or find, the real reason.

Like you, I know these things happen, and I hope one of these days we'll find out how. Fascinating, isn't it?
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naomi24, you asked what happened:
I asked someone to come and see me - they only way they could was to come in a dream. This person did but the face looked so different, it was definitely them as they had the same hands. They told me I would be ok and that all would be ok
A couple of days later I spoke to this persons niece and they asked if I knew about the car crash, and I said I did as it was in the local papers at the time. What I didn't know and what wasn't in the paper was that they had been badly hurt/disfigured and ended up having extensive reconstructive surgery on their face
All previous dreams of this person had been of younger days when they were 19/20 and I am now of the opinion they were from my memories but that one was definitely them coming to me as I had asked - we had been very intune when they were alive and I now firmly believe, we are still intune now they have passed over.
I feel they are with me a lot of the time, I know the feelings they had for me ran deep and still did up to their death
ojread2, thanks for explaining that. I have no idea why or how these things happen, but I would like to know.
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so would I, so would I
Maybe I am looking to hard and seeing things that aren't there, but as 'sit on the fence' before, I don't think so
The medium (or whatever you call them) I wanted to book is unable to, and another recommended one has nothing until July. However, today I had my hair cut by someone different to normal and she picked up on things! That's too spooky for words IMO and there is definitely something more to us after we are gone
I believe I am being cared for a watched over, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind now, by this person
As I said, I don't believe in going to mediums and I don't believe anything is supernatural. I just hope that one of these days science will provide the answer.
My Wife and I went to see Samantha Scott in gloucester on 13th March She is from Swindon & we are from Tewkesbury, We have not seen her before and she told us things that she could not possibly have known without us saying anything other than hello to her. My Wife's sister went as a few weeks later and was well impressed.why not check her Web Site on the link below.
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Fat Bloke, looking at her prices, it seems she has a lucrative business going there.
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wizard, I get the impression you don't believe =)
As I said I have always been a sit on the fence type of gal, but after my dream and then yesterday I have to say I am one firm believer now
I went to have my hair done yesterday. I have used the same salon for over 2 years and yet I have never seen this stylist before yesterday. She told me she could sense things! Now that's just far to many coincidences for me not to believe that actually they are not coincidence

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