Why Do we have to have our relgious views challenged by Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons calling at our doors! Surely Religion is a personal thing and should not be infiltrated! A Wheelchair bound Jehovah was trying to drum up business yesterday in a busy shopping town, he didn't have many takers! how pathetic!
Religion is a personal thing, and hopfully your beliefs are sufficiently well based not to be threatened by someone offering an alternative viewpoint for your consideration. I'd rather they touted for 'business' in the town, than on my doorstep.
chakka35 you are going about it the wrong way. You need to explain that you are a Satanist and explain to them why their assumptions are wrong and how they should join you at your next worship if they wish to be spared the worst of the experiences in Hell. Ask if any of them are virgins, since you will be needing a sacrifice next time.
JW make me mad...one at my partners work place has been ramming it down his throat, giving him leaflets and DVDs and books to bring home!!! My partner actually read and watched them as well because this dude had been going on so much it made him want to know more.... :-{ Not good.....
I just invite them in and offer them a cup of coffee, then I start by reading a few quotes from the Bible that show this false god to be an evil, sexist, racist, savage, murdering barstuard!! They are usually happy to leave, they don't seem to call here anymore :-)
Why did I have to have my religeous views challenged by christianity at school?
Surely Religion is a personal thing and should not be infiltrated by zealots ramming it down my neck during "assembly" or "RE".
I'm glad I had the intelligence/strength of mind to single-handedly resist during my school years.
Joboes and Mormons on my doorstep (and amongst my family/friends) are a doddle :-)