If he's talking world wide then he's definitely right.
If he's talking about the UK then he's wrong, it's a small or moderate majority.
The vast majority however do not support established religion,
Most notably although 67% claim to believe in God only 1 in 4 believe in a personal - God - that is a God that has any interest in humans.
We have not become a nation of athiests but a nation of deists - people find the notion of Spinoza's God attractive. Einstein did too he said:
“I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.”
I may be wrong - I am hesitant to speak for a whole country - Bit I think you may well find that this is the sort of God most Britains believe in (excluding Northern Ireland which still has a large number of church goers)