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claymore | 22:01 Sun 17th Oct 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
28 Answers
Why did the threat of excommunication carry such weight in the early days of the Roman church,and does it still exist today?


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off topic but I have tried for ages to say Hi too JJ
Mopsy x
Yes. Welcome back, JJ
Excommunication also existed in The Anglican Church. I can remember a woman from my parish in the 50s who was a regular churchgoer. However the vicar refused her Holy Communion on the grounds that she was divorced, not an uncommon thing at that time.
Hi, guys x

I haven't really been away (except this weekend).

I've just drifted off CB a bit.

you ok JJ
great to see you anyway
Yes, I'm fine thanks, Mopsy.


Hope you are too.


ps. the Seagulls are 6 points clear at the top of League One, and I've just been for a weekend away with the gal pals. Of COURSE I'm fine !!!!!!!
I am having a weekend away in a couple of weeks JJ and yes, I feel absolutely tip-top thanks x
"Here's a health to the Protestant Minister
And his church without meaning or faith
For the foundation stones of his temple
are the bollix of Henry the Eight"

True, to a certain extent, but the issue is much more complicated than that. Henry VIII remained a catholic until his death, albeit without the Pope. The real protestant reformation in England only began under Edward VI. This was reversed during the brief reign of his sister, Mary I, who took the practice of lighting candles rather to extremes.

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