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Irrational distrust of Catholicsm

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jake-the-peg | 11:41 Mon 22nd Nov 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
45 Answers
I have noticed that when I see a highly ornate Catholic church interior, complete with gold and statues of saints and madonnas and the like I feel an instinctive distrust and words like "superstition" spring to mind.

As a long standing atheist this seems completely irrational -there's no reason to see it as more superstitious than a whitewashed puritan church - I don't get the same feelings looking at a Hindu shrine.

Any other atheists feel the same? Do you think of all religions as equally suspect or do you have a league table?

Is this the subtle effect of a centuries old national culture of distrust of Catholics? If so how is it transmitted when we scarely ever go to church?


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as a catholic I must say I was disgusted by the display of wealth at the vatican
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Good example

Compare to this:


Amritsar does not provoke the same feelings of superstition in me despite all the gold.
As a Catholic I'm quite proud of the display of wealth at the Vatican....
Its the prerogative of parishoners to adorn their houses of worship as they want.
would the wealth not be better utilised in helping those in need, is loving others not part of the catholic ethic ?
the amount of money raised by tourism to Rome enables the Catholic Church to be the highest contributor to education in Africa. Its a little like your royal family contributing costing millions yet contributing billlions to the economy
Its gold leaf not solid gold. Just as the Sistene chapel is adorned with art.

As for distrust of catholics - well we are used to the low level of racism which was hardly even disgused before the Popes visit.
Ask your self what would have happened had Kate Middleton been a Catholic?
Then if she had been a jew, muslim or any other religion
Where does KateM fit into this OP ?
Ric.ror racism? I don't recall any racism I recall a huge outrage that a man who had been complicit in the covering up in the abuse of children by the church should be allowed in.

As for Kate Middleton if she had been any other religion she would of had to convert? As I don't subscribe I have no thoughts either way but that is what would of had to happen.
I meant disguised
DtD - I may be wrong but I believe there is specific mention of the heir to the throne not being able to marry a catholic - no other religon is mentioned - forgive my typo's I am at work
Me to and I understand that also but I also belive that it says in the constitution that they have to CofE.
All religions are equally suspect, but I have a special loathing for cults like Scientology.

It constantly amazes me that seemingly normal people believe there is a higher being.
When I (an atheist) and my wife (a Christian) visited the Basilica in the Vatican I found it faintly disgusting in its self-aggrandisement. More surprisingly, my wife felt there was nothing spiritual about the place at all: it was all about dead popes and the papacy in general and not about God.

(I was amused, though, at the statue of Peter, the feet of which people touched reverently. Since Peter never went to Rome, let alone became the first pope, it was another case of the ignorant believer being deluded by the Church.)
when a carving is of high quality its often enhanced by gold leaf, as carvings in some cathedrals
Are there not protestant churches-particularly those dating from Tudor times-that may also be highly ornate,and decorated on gold? granted-they will be minus the Saints...but what's the difference. They - church buildings-are reflections of time and place-as all architecture is. It was simply the way then-to display wealth in that manner.

As for anti catholic is one of the things that shocked me when I emigrated fromm the US many years ago...even for a (lapsed ) Catholic-it was still shocking.
Catholics are disuaded from marrying out of the faith and worshipping elsewhere. Maybe that's why they're misunderstood rather than distrusted.
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Ric.ror - the 1701 Act of settlement

Provided always, and be it hereby enacted, That all and every person and persons, who shall or may take or inherit the said Crown, by virtue of the limitation of this present act, and is, are or shall be reconciled to, or shall hold communion with, the See or Church of Rome, or shall profess the popish religion, or shall marry a papist, shall be subject to such incapacities, as in such case or cases are by the said recited act provided, enacted, and established;

Marrying a Catholic would bar him from ascending the throne

Still don't know how I picked up the Catholic distrust thing

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