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Muslims 'protect' Christians

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Rasman | 13:59 Sun 09th Jan 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
27 Answers

Is this really a good news story or do you maybe infer that their actions as reported on this Muslim website amount to nothing more than at best a PR stunt and at worst a psychological protection racket?

They [Muslims] are basically saying we will protect you from ourselves, as a show of supremacy over Christians to prove our superiority and 'allow' the Coptic minorities their Christmas ceremony.

Your thoughts appreciated.


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Yes it is a good news story.
It's a good news story - the vast majority of Muslims over the world are not anti-Christian, they recognise them as People of the Book and are tolerant. It's only the militant masses which usually get air-time (and I thought this story was done to death on here yesterday, anyway).
Ahhhh, but that was in News and it was pixi's thread.

Now Rasman can tell us what he *really* thinks..............:o)
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I think I just did jack. :0)

If I'm wrong then I'm wrong and I'll accept it.
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of course you can pixi
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Whilst it’s commendable in its way, it excuses the fundamental problem. The vast majority of Muslims spoken of in this thead would be far better employed in educating their fellow Muslims thereby eliminating the necessity for anyone to protect people of other faiths from acts of religious barbarism.
And if they could not educate then Naomi will. After all she is expert on Islam.
To judge by your reading of the story they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Keyplus, I can’t imagine you’re fooling anyone now, and those who read and understand your posts can be in no doubt whatsoever whose side you're on. However, if for lack of something sensible to say it pleases you to continue to shoot the messenger, then be my guest - carry on.

Sandy, I commend the people who are making a stand, but there's a much wider picture here that most of the posters seem to be missing. Protecting the churches from attack is like taking an aspirin to treat a malevolent disease. It only relieves the pain in the short term. It doesn’t get the root of, or cure, the fundamental problem.
There were Christians in Egypt before Islam was even thought of. Why is it only recently that the Coptic Christians have come under attack in Egypt and Catholics in Iraq? There must be some sort of logic, however crazy, in the minds of the attackers.
Perhaps Keyplus would care to explain.
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"It only relieves the pain in the short term. It doesn’t get the root of, or cure, the fundamental problem."

as it says in the article......

“This is it. It is time to change and unite,”

its got to start somewhere, and the fact that it has started, is a good news story.
Ankou, no one here seems to be denying that.
Yes indeed. Well, that's that one sorted.
it is
Play nicely Ankou - there's a good boy. No need for silliness now is there.

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Muslims 'protect' Christians

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