I have been reading and posting on " reasons why people dont post" I came across answerbank at the time I had a few law questions ,and had very helpful responses, that helped, for me it is a mix of help and fun!! perhaps we should have amid summers night party and meet and make friends with mangopete, nobody is wanting to upset you!!! just answer your querry.
Came across it when I was googling for Startrek info some time ago. Have learned a lot since then and have on the rare occasion been able to help someone else.
Have been on many other forum sites over the years but here you seem to meet a better class of nutters. (°¿°)
Now two different responses needed here. I can't actually remember how I came across AB, im sure I was after some question being answered, Googled it, and ended up finding the answer here- Christ knows what it actually was though!
And the reason why I actually joined? If I remember correctly (and again, i could be wrong), there was a very funny post about lion poo being used to deter cats crapping in ya gardens, and in order to join in, it obviously required me to register.
At the beginning I asked some questions about music used in ads, tv shows etc., and got some responses so I thought I'd stick around. Then I came across CB and started to join in the banter.
Hi Boxtops and Boo - I've recently posted an answer about cats using someone's garden as a toilet and mentioned a product that's supposed to contain lion's poo.
There's quite a few products that have lion poo in em Sheer, supposed to be effective too!
Back in 2005 though, i'd not heard of it before ,and thought it was a joke, so registered to continue the laugh with Vinny (I miss vinny!) that had got going.