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Binge drinking or getting merry?

What do you think of binge drinking? Is someone who has six pints on a Friday night a binge drinker?

Results ★

There's nothing wrong with having a few too many pints sometimes
Binge drinking is one of the worst vices in UK society.
Binge drinking is just another way of having fun, and it's not that big of a deal

What do you think of binge drinking? Is someone who has six pints on a Friday night a binge drinker?

Total: 859
A.There's nothing wrong with having a few too many pints sometimes51.22 %440
B.Binge drinking is one of the worst vices in UK society.36.32 %312
C.Binge drinking is just another way of having fun, and it's not that big of a deal12.46 %107
Stats until: 01:06 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)