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What do you think about the Muslim veil debate?

What do you think about the Muslim veil debate?

Results ★

I don't think any veils should be allowed, it makes it impossible to identify the person much the same as hoodies.
I think in some circumstances the full veil should be removed
There should be no problems with the veils it is a person's right

What do you think about the Muslim veil debate?

Total: 74
A.I don't think any veils should be allowed, it makes it impossible to identify the person much the same as hoodies.68.92 %51
B.I think in some circumstances the full veil should be removed22.97 %17
C.There should be no problems with the veils it is a person's right8.11 %6
Stats until: 01:11 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)