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Would you consider extreme measures like bankruptcy or homelessness?

If you were in severe debt, would you consider extreme measures like bankruptcy, or even going temporarily homeless while you work it off?

Results ★

I don't think I would be too extreme, but I would do extensive budgeting and maybe sell some less important possessions
No way, those are the easy ways out of a problem. I would work longer hours, take another job and pay it off that way
If it got really bad then I would consider going bankrupt, but I'd never go as far as being homeless
Yes, the sooner the debt is paid off the better and I would take any action necessary to get the money

If you were in severe debt, would you consider extreme measures like bankruptcy, or even going temporarily homeless while you work it off?

Total: 785
A.I don't think I would be too extreme, but I would do extensive budgeting and maybe sell some less important possessions35.29 %277
B.No way, those are the easy ways out of a problem. I would work longer hours, take another job and pay it off that way30.70 %241
C.If it got really bad then I would consider going bankrupt, but I'd never go as far as being homeless28.28 %222
D.Yes, the sooner the debt is paid off the better and I would take any action necessary to get the money5.73 %45
Stats until: 01:10 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)