TV4 mins ago
Could These Be The Real Fascists?
18 Answers
http:// www.gua rdian.c chnolog y/2013/ may/28/ anonymo us-edl- support ers-inf ormatio n
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-23 32550/H acking- group-A nonymou s-publi sh-mobi le-numb ers-add resses- senior- EDL-mem bers-vo w-bring -far-ri ght-org anisati on.html ?ito=fe eds-new sxml
/// One member, Glen Warren, says he has been fielding several calls from 'anti-fascists and Muslims' after his mobile number was published. ///
/// He told MailOnline: 'I've had so many people ringing up and threatening me, threatening to rape my mum and kill me. ///
/// One member, Glen Warren, says he has been fielding several calls from 'anti-fascists and Muslims' after his mobile number was published. ///
/// He told MailOnline: 'I've had so many people ringing up and threatening me, threatening to rape my mum and kill me. ///
don't fascists come in all guises, some in this country believe we should all think, believe the same things, like everyone and be mates with all, rather an Utopian ideal, and not one i subscribe to, I am an individual, will like the people i want to like, and care about the things i care about, and i am damn well fed up with people waving banners with signs telling...
13:40 Wed 29th May 2013
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It depends on your definition of 'Fascist'.
As far as i can see - a couple of unhinged individuals have allied themsleves to a peaceful religion in order to have a platform for their bile and hatred.
That has caused a reaction in a similarly minded (although not as reactive it must be said) group of individuals who use a skewed version of patriotism to create a platform for their bile and hatred.
The simple fact is, any organisation of any size - especially if it does not pay its members - is prone to extremism. That applies to the most - ahem - extrreme examples such as radical Muslims and the EDL, right down to WRVS branches, parish charity groups, and even apparently immune by definition organisations such as The Samartians (I speak from personal experience).
Human nature dictates that a certain section of people like to be in control. Their ability to gain control may be thwarted by simple unsuitability - so they don't get to be Captain of the golf club, or run the local ramblers' assosiation - so they join ornaisations where there control is welcomed, however unsuitable that may be.
It is logical therefore that control freaks gravitate towards 'causes' that allow them to feel a vicarious sense of simultaneous power and belonging - both social aspects that find relief for the unbalanced in organsations that don't pay anything, but allow them to pontifiacte to like-minded individuals.
You can find these situations throughout society, where personally unfuflilled frustrated individuals align themselves to organsations that give them freedom to feel important.
So yes, you will find Muislim hate clerics on one side, and EDL racists on the other.
Fascists? Probably not, just parts of society we could do without but as a civllised culture, we accept within reasonable boundaries.
As far as i can see - a couple of unhinged individuals have allied themsleves to a peaceful religion in order to have a platform for their bile and hatred.
That has caused a reaction in a similarly minded (although not as reactive it must be said) group of individuals who use a skewed version of patriotism to create a platform for their bile and hatred.
The simple fact is, any organisation of any size - especially if it does not pay its members - is prone to extremism. That applies to the most - ahem - extrreme examples such as radical Muslims and the EDL, right down to WRVS branches, parish charity groups, and even apparently immune by definition organisations such as The Samartians (I speak from personal experience).
Human nature dictates that a certain section of people like to be in control. Their ability to gain control may be thwarted by simple unsuitability - so they don't get to be Captain of the golf club, or run the local ramblers' assosiation - so they join ornaisations where there control is welcomed, however unsuitable that may be.
It is logical therefore that control freaks gravitate towards 'causes' that allow them to feel a vicarious sense of simultaneous power and belonging - both social aspects that find relief for the unbalanced in organsations that don't pay anything, but allow them to pontifiacte to like-minded individuals.
You can find these situations throughout society, where personally unfuflilled frustrated individuals align themselves to organsations that give them freedom to feel important.
So yes, you will find Muislim hate clerics on one side, and EDL racists on the other.
Fascists? Probably not, just parts of society we could do without but as a civllised culture, we accept within reasonable boundaries.
/// The simple fact is, any organisation of any size - especially if it does not pay its members - is prone to extremism. That applies to the most - ahem - extrreme examples such as radical Muslims and the EDL, right down to WRVS branches, parish charity groups, ///
How you can possible place the EDL, the WRVS, and Parish Charity Groups on the same footing with Radical Muslims, only you can tell us Andy.
One does not have to be a fascist, a bigot, or whatever some wish to label others with, to know that Radical Muslims are out on their own in this group of organisations.
Anyone heard of the EDL killing or committing acts of terrorism, not to mention the other two, the WRVS, and Parish Charity Groups.
I know some would rather deny this fact, but it is blatantly true for all to see.
/// The simple fact is, any organisation of any size - especially if it does not pay its members - is prone to extremism. That applies to the most - ahem - extrreme examples such as radical Muslims and the EDL, right down to WRVS branches, parish charity groups, ///
How you can possible place the EDL, the WRVS, and Parish Charity Groups on the same footing with Radical Muslims, only you can tell us Andy.
One does not have to be a fascist, a bigot, or whatever some wish to label others with, to know that Radical Muslims are out on their own in this group of organisations.
Anyone heard of the EDL killing or committing acts of terrorism, not to mention the other two, the WRVS, and Parish Charity Groups.
I know some would rather deny this fact, but it is blatantly true for all to see.
"How you can possible place the EDL, the WRVS, and Parish Charity Groups on the same footing with Radical Muslims ..."
I place them on the same footing only in the two aspects that they share - none attract financial remuneration, and all attract an unpleasant level of fanaticism in approach.
I am not attempting to link them together in any othe way apart from that.
I place them on the same footing only in the two aspects that they share - none attract financial remuneration, and all attract an unpleasant level of fanaticism in approach.
I am not attempting to link them together in any othe way apart from that.
isn't there a press inquiry on press intrusion, the Leveson inquiry, a clamp down on the press in the light of phone hacking, amongst others, so you can be sued for putting information on sites, like FB, as true which of course may well not be the case.
yet some so called anti fascist group can publish people's private details with no one to gain say them, nor to disagree that what they did was right. Had my name been on that list by mistake, which could be possible, with my phone numbers, home address how would i be able to defend myself had i visit, call from someone who doesn't like me because they believe i belong to that organisation, even though that wouldn't be the case, this is wrong on every level.
yet some so called anti fascist group can publish people's private details with no one to gain say them, nor to disagree that what they did was right. Had my name been on that list by mistake, which could be possible, with my phone numbers, home address how would i be able to defend myself had i visit, call from someone who doesn't like me because they believe i belong to that organisation, even though that wouldn't be the case, this is wrong on every level.
don't fascists come in all guises, some in this country believe we should all think, believe the same things, like everyone and be mates with all, rather an Utopian ideal, and not one i subscribe to, I am an individual, will like the people i want to like, and care about the things i care about, and i am damn well fed up with people waving banners with signs telling me either that i am a racist or a fascist, because some of my views don't tally with theirs.
aog, is it just some debating trick of yours to ignore the basis of someone's argument and then attack something entirely irrelevant but peripheral to it, or do you , in fact, miss the point altogether? The WI, our Parish Council, and the local chess club have all, in my experience, at some time or other attracted the personality which Andy describes. And as for tenants' committees in blocks of flats, well, it seems to be an unwritten constitutional requirement. There's a kind of law that these types are not happy until they can find a body where that personality gets some recognition and that is often one to the extremes of a political party; it certainly needs to be a small organisation, local itself, or local within some larger body. Of course you do end up with two such people in conflict, which explains why splinter groups are so common in such organisations.
No doubt senior EDL figures are gratified to receive these calls because this enables to them to reinforce their arguments about Islam and our British society.
No doubt senior EDL figures are gratified to receive these calls because this enables to them to reinforce their arguments about Islam and our British society.
It's well known that the left wing are far more right wing that the right wing. Try going to one of their love ins. If you don't agree that GWB is the spawn of satan and that nuclear power is evil and that we all should sleep on a bed of wheat grass and eat trill then they'll have you burnt at a stake made of rubarb and sprinkle home grown sunflower oil over you. Tolerence!! PMSL.
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