Getting a lot of pornographic spam at present. I have never responded or even opened one of these things, so why are we getting so many?
Is it because I have Blocked them?
We have also started getting lots of this on our Tiscali account in the last couple of months - never had it before in years. It automatically goes to our MS Outlook junk folder but somehow they are getting through Tiscali's spam filter.
Thanks. Just found another half a dozen.
Wiped them without opening as usual.
Wish the Filters worked, but as far as I can see they only stop the first Email which contains the flagged term. Any others after that still get through.
I have started getting them too - not on my BT address but my Yahoo one (Yahoo`s security is iffy anyway) There is a list of other email addresses that they have been circulated to and they are all variations on the same names so I think they are just randomly generated.
Filters should not react any differently to the first compared to the one thousandth. How could it ? That said I created a few rules in MS Outlook to divert advertising (from places I've bought from but are too keen on sending more info) and whilst they work fine on some, there are a few that are unrecognised as being from the same sender each time. I'm unsure why.
Are you using an e-mail client ? If so why not install and use Mailwasher. Makes hand filtering easier.